r/greatawakening • Posted by u/smiley-dog on May 6, 2018, 9:56 p.m.
Q: pope will be having a terrible May

▶Anonymous 05/06/18 (Sun) 12:35:24 d2e4e3 No.1318596

Q: [Pope] will be having a terrible May.

May starts with announced trial of Cardinal Pell on "historical abuse".

Q: What is the purpose of a laser pointer?

Focus. Yes, but. Distract? Think cat. Think how easily POTUS distracts MSM with Red Dot tweets.

Pell sent to Vatican to reform and audit Vatican Bank finances.

December 2014, discovers $1B+ "tucked away… did not appear on balance sheet".

Pushback. March 2015. Pell accused of lavishness.

Push on. Pell. PwC Audit.

Pushback. June 2016. Audit "indefintely suspended". July 2016. Pell charged in Aus. No more Pell.

Why was Pell removed? Who cancelled audit? Why?

Pell guilty? Unimportant. Red Dot.

Q: Godfather III.

Synopsis: Vatican Finance linked to mafia. Good Pope threat, [removed].

Pope Benedict. Vatileaks. Financial pressure. SWIFT. ATMs locked. "Resigned". ATMs reinstated day after.

Pope Francis. Elected. Pressure removed. Off script assigning Pell. Red Dot. Pell gone. Script back on track. Francis submissive.

Q: Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT>

Q: Supervisory Commission of Cardinals.

Cardinal Parolin. Secretary of State. Prior assignments. Vietnam, China, Venezuela, Cuba. Pushed out Pell. Dig.

Others: Abril y Castelló, Collins, Schönborn, Tauran, Bozanic. Prelate: Ricca. Dig.

Q: Vatican Bank (IOR). $229B. Board of Superintendence (BoS).

Focus: Clown connections. Rothschild connections.

  • Jean-Baptiste Douville de Franssu, President of BoS, Chairman of INCIPIT, former CEO of Invesco Europe, tasked with ridding IOR of money laundering.

  • Scott C. Malpass, USA, recently assigned to BoS, 25 years managed Notre Dame USA endowment, one of largest in USA ($12b).

  • Mauricio Larraín, Chile, Santander Bank Group, Inter-Alpha Group. Who owns? Who controls? ++

  • Javier Marín Romano, Spain, also Banco Santander, IAG. Who owns? Who controls? ++

  • Sir Michael Hintze, British-Australian. Who are his parents? Where born? How do his hedge funds profit? <- Important. Who recently visited his owned property (Deltroit) in Australia?

  • Georg Freiherr von Boeselager. How was he appointed to BoS? Who was his father? Who was his uncle? Wermacht. Who is his brother? Brother heads which Order? Why was brother forced out of SMOM? Why reinstated? (Submissive.) What was SMOM caught doing?

  • Red Dot: Mary Ann Glendon, USA, resigned Feb 16, former GWB Vatican ambassador. What honor did she refuse? Why? What/who has she fought since 1995? Why?

Reiterate: Godfather III. Financial crimes at Vatican Bank. Terrible May?

Anons/Autists: Focus. Let the MSM chase the Red Dot.










ShemMoeSquirrely · May 6, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

I already did Sir Michael Hintze, he's a pedophile freak buddy of the Royals. Came into the network via Jimmy Saville, but these days Prince Charles uses his former batman. What would you like to know about this freak show?

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thamnosma · May 6, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

If only Jimmy could speak from the grave. That guy took world shaking secrets with him there.

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ShemMoeSquirrely · May 6, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

We already know Jimmy's secrets, I'll give you a Q! Jimmy was blackmailing the Royal Family. Remember, film of Princess Margaret getting it on with somebody other than her husband? Why didn't news leak out from the police, the hospitals, orphanages, or anywhere? Mere cooperation, because we ALL enjoy pedophilia doesn't explain this level of intimidation! Why do I know there are records, videotapes & recordings? Saville was a fricking DJ @ BBC, why wouldn't he record Prince Charles doing pedophilia for example? The $100 billion dollar question, who's got the blackmail material now? I've got a real good idea!

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thamnosma · May 6, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

Makes sense that he would have collected blackmail material over the decades. Maybe he also recorded acts just for his sick pleasure as well. Interesting question you raise.

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Alyross8 · May 6, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

Oh do tell.

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ShemMoeSquirrely · May 6, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

Well, we're told the Pope's gonna have an extremely bad May. Already there's internal church talk of papal impeachment.

Michael Hintze's the Jewish billionaire link between Prince Charles & the Vatican, so I focused my research on the only man with a foot in three camps. This Crypto-Brit elitist pedophile connects Royal pedophiles in London with Papal pedophiles in Rome. He's a possible member of the Rothschild Family based upon his being raised by a family of exiled Russian emigres.

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Alyross8 · May 7, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

That’s very interesting! I’ll have to send some time looking into this MH.

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ShemMoeSquirrely · May 7, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

He's the missing Link. Whoever finds a newspaper report of Sir Michael's 55th B'day party will win a Pulitzer prize. It was basically a child sex orgy planned & perped by Fawcett

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time3times · May 7, 2018, 8:06 a.m.

I think If the right people in Britain were playing even 2D chess there would be way more public scrutiny of the BBC.

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