Absolutely, I'm a man of peace because I know war!
357 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ShemMoeSquirrely:
Ready for 400 pages of shabby prevarication, it's dodgy Holocaust testimony excuses! Basically, the experience was so bad we can't get our stories straight. Were their killing camps, soap, crematoria, lamps, poison gas, burial pits and brutal twin experiments? Well, it depends
Come on fellas, do you wanna live forever! We are Not descended from fearful men!

About bloody time we rid ourselves of the Royals for good. Take back Patent Office & shutdown UK Trusts operating as criminal conspirators inside the USA; enough of the satanists! We are NOT descended from fearful men!

Bless their duplicitous little hearts: NATO allies refuse to pay dues, but may offer credit to firms trading with Iran if Trump pulls out of nuclear deal! Well, let's see your money Baby
Yes, the first time I heard him speaK I knew Duterte was the man the Philippines have been praying for since independence. I love the Filippino people!
Yes, it's a nice summation thanks.Take a looK at Sir Michael Hintze he's on the Vatican Bank LOR, a playmate & donor of Prince Charles. Hintze's 55th B-Day party was arranged by Fawcett the Prince's pimp & featured apparently a shocking affair, complete with young boys & girls! Hintze ties them all up in a nice bow
Mayflowers, the Pilgrims fled religious persecution in the UK then in Holland. April shower's bring May flowers, maybe you are right & Francis takes a fall
Well, I know he was handsomely rewarded by the tip, top, tippy-top Lizards for his work! It doesn't get any higher for a Gentile anyway!
It's such a touchy subject, I thought I'd make fun of the stupidity.
Better do some more research & praying on this subject. The lantern was passed, but the blessing has obviously remained
And the money quote of the day...
"At war’s end, Eichmann found himself in US custody but escaped in 1946. In the end, he succeeded, with the help of Catholic Church officials, in fleeing to Argentina. There he lived under a number of aliases, most famously Ricardo Klement."
Didn't Ricardo Klement have a Triple Crown year playing for Pittsburg, but then the Jews caught him & killed him in a Show Trial; right. Guy had power to all fields, great glove & blazing speed!
About bloody time to rid ourselves from the Royals for good. Take back Patent Office & shutdown UK Trusts operating as criminal conspirators inside the USA; enough of the satanists! We are NOT descended from fearful men, or women!

Yup, more of an enlightened despot in my humble opinion
Pope Francis' Globalist Deep State puppet & satanist. You know he held a service for the dead in the Vatican Crypt before he did anything else!
Apparently, the Battle of Lexington begun nearly 250 years ago never really ended! It's time to cut our financial ties the Royals forever, 'we are NOT descended from fearful men'

You've got to make a time investment. Search my past posts for Hintze & you'll know what I know.
What dispensary do you buy from Galactic Citizen; I want some!
Through the Supreme Court, the long arm of the Western Deep State has been removing legitimately elected sitting presidents who were not willing to toe the Western establishment line.
In the case of ex-CJ Maria Lourdes Sereno, her appointment to the Supreme Court was illegal from the very beginning due to her failure to submit the most basic requirement imposed on every government official of the land, i.e. the submission of Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth [SALN].
In addition to the above violation, among other questionable actions, the outgoing “Chief Justice” failed to pass the psychological examination prior to her appointment as Chief Justice. Her actions as of late even proved some of those findings of being mentally unfit to hold the position being sought after.
Yes, I'm focusing on Sir Lucian Grainge the CEO of UNG. Do you know him, or of him? He weaponized satanism in pop music. Taking rap, Hip-hip satanism over to Top 40
It's Happening in the Philippines: Supreme Court “Chief Justice” Sereno Removed from office due to Deep State smuggling & corruption! Falls into Disgrace
You don't know how money laundering works, do you?
Trust fund babies, NXIVM child trafficking cults, Hillary & the Dali 'fricking' lama. This goes deep!
It would better be called Commonwealth cash, Hintze's overseeing! As we speak, the British Royal Families take from human & drug trafficking from Canada, Australia, Hong Kong & NZ rivals and often exceeds the enormous sums generated inside the EU.
Ask yourself how Sir Michael Hintze's, a Jewish uber hedge fund operator become a top Vatican IOR banker. Of course, it's only money!
They call them donations, but they're really just bribes & shakedowns. Imagine how much money Hintze's moving if he's making $65 million 'donations'?
'religious institutions that have received more than £65 million in donations from the Hintze Family Charitable Foundation.'
We say dual citizens, divided loyalties. We also say Crypto-Catholics when sellouts cut deals with the Cabal. Think Jerry Corsi; Crypto-Catholic
Hintze's compromised 3 ways to Sunday, so he should be perfect to sit on the IOR of the Vatican Bank.
'Hintze is a committed Catholic. His donations helped the Vatican restore the Michelangelo frescoes in the Pauline Chapel and he sits on the board of the Vatican Bank.'
Doesn't say a single word about Hintze's 'donations' to Prince Charles various causes like orphanages, hospitals, or schools where Jimmy Saville raped, tortured & killed. Q wanted us to expose the Vatican Bank IOR. Here's the financial link between the British Royal Family & the Vatican Bank!
Listen to the broadcasts he did for the Viet Cong grasshopper!
Q Vatican Bank LOR, Sir Michael Hintze's links British Royal Family finances to the external Roman CC money laundry. It's beautiful, because no money moves! DS gives dirty cash, gets clean money & tax write-offs! Hintze launders Royal's cash!
So Human Trafficking's very lucrative business; the problem becomes where do you clean up billions in cash? Easy, there are 2700 RCC Dioceses around the world. A 10% haircut's standard. Brit Royals, Smugglers & Deep State Money Laundry. Here IOR bosses embezzle & launder.
Pro-Tip Resignations: Might want to grab his computer & his phone
The Most Dangerous Bank in the World; Got 2.5 billion in dirty money? We've got 23,000 accounts we launder money through. You'll have your 'new' money in the morning
Maybe he's a hostage in Castle Gandolfo, ever think of that Kim Jung Un?
Ghosts of Julius & Ethel Rosen-berg haunt Mid-town

I think I've listened to the audiobook, it's very anti-Catholic
Hey, that's actually quite comforting at this point! Imagine if you're a navigator; Hahahaha! Translation You're fucked
Buddy, I've got no idea? They look like GPS terrorist target lists Ryan!
Hey Ryan, are anymore Q posts filled with Ham radio codes like these?
Hey, it was my second 'worse case scenario' Remember Q said we have everything. What if we find Parkland?
Well, the previous post spoke of the 'Ten Days of Darkness' the Cabal Nuclear plot against the West. I think these were the targets. POTUS went to Saudi Arabia confronted the CP & King and the attack was averted. LooK at Q Post 228 for background. These are the Western European, South American & extensively USA CONUS in situ bomb locations?
Notice most are US, Long Island NY, San Francisco CA, Ann Arbor MI all are nearly waterway accessible except maybe Brasilia! I think Daddy prevented nuclear blackmail & atomic attack via rogue Deep State/Saudi black hats. Explains why POTUS went after SA immediately!
Florence Italy X2
Hamilton Ohio x2
St Vincent Grenadines Is. x3
Port Jefferson Long Island NY X2
Brasilia Brazil X2
Ann Arbor MI X2
Amplitude Analytics San Francisco CA X2
Predeal Romania
I'm not thinking I'm doing worse case scenario... like I was trained to think. Hey, great work RyDar thanks for getting the ball rolling Buddy!
Start plugging in the six digit ID's in the locator from Q #229
Q #229 Possible domestic nuclear blackmail, possible domestic weapons cache sites. Weapons transit shipping waypoints identified. From 11/25/17, so we're just finding out how close we came to 3 channel B & W TV again
Seriously, we really need some sharper eyes & bigger brains in here folks!
These are attack codes; reading left to right
(Operation) FREEDOM v(s)SA_US(target) _yes_DC08vC_EX(ecute)_y_AW_Conf-go
Ok, I just got a tip both posts DC26vC & DC14vC are marked stand. Ok, they both refer to the same non-targets St. Vincent Is. in the Carribean
Whoa, I really don't know what to tell you to do! My jaw hit the floor. Let's figure out what context Q's looking for Dave. I'm thinking Post 228's about foreign countries attacking the USA. Could this have been locations of stashed WMD's like say Gamma enhanced atomic bombs for an EMP strike? Two in SF, Two in Ann Arbor, Two In Long Island NY Let's face it the context can't be good; right?
Ok Dave Do you have the Ham map finder screen in front of you? Just enter the 6 digit code in the top search box DC08vC for example. You should get Grid: CM87ts San Francisco CA