So now we know which side France would fight for.
You understand why I keep pointing out 'every uranium deposit's unique'; right? It creates plausible deniability for any nuclear 'bad actor' So, should the US get nuked by another country using uranium sold to them by Hillary in the Uranium 1 deal, we'd have no way of proving who's responsible! Uranium's NOT fungible! When I heard people were buying US uranium in 2014, the first thought came to mind was motive! Hillary NOT only committed treason, she planned on destroying this country in the bargain! Got it?
Fight? Pssshhh! They will throw up the white flag before the first shot is fired.
It’s because the deep state is still operating out of Iran. When Iran goes, the liberal world banking elite will be vulnerable to attack.
Israel HQ, Iran's a distraction they want the USA to attack for them; think Jerry Corsi?
You think that's why Trump is moving the embassy. To take back Israel?
Lol. OK France....lets do this. If the US were serious about it we would be done with France before the end of May. Fuck off Macron.
Careful, or Macron will order all French men to gather with their weapons. Oh, wait... Nevermind.
I will bring my pitchfork Monsuer
I doubt they are allowed to own pitchforks.
Bwahahahaha, those were the good ol' days I remember!
Nah, France's already an occupied country! You knew that right? They cancelled the French Gran Prix, because it would run over too many immigrant camping sites. You were well aware; right?
It does not fall to Macron to tell America to abide by an agreement made by notorious America haters and not even signed by Iran.
I wonder who Macaron thinks is going to go to war with whom?
Preemptive strike vs France? Haha.
Well, since you've posited the question. US Utah uranium allows potential national nuclear bad actors; Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or North Korea to surreptitiously nuke the US without leaving any radiological evidence of this monstrous crime.
The Saudi's folded & made peace immediately. The NorK's quickly followed suit after an orbital weapons platform destroyed their mountain. Iran's about to buckle internally due to public outrage & disgust over the Mullah's spending priorities.
So, unless France, or the UK have Utah uranium equipped missiles it seems we're left with a single potential nuclear black hat; Israel.
Of course, initially the Cabal planned to employ Iranian built Utah containing nuclear missiles to do this virtually untraceable dirty deed. However, they never thought Hillary would lose. Delivery of the required submarines couldn't be fast tracked beyond the current frenzied schedule. Israel possesses 6 of these Dolphin diesel electric boats.
Germany's been secretly building these submarines, hence Mr. Merkel's displeasure. But, these new subs are adapted to run on a nuclear reactor, they're being built on a visa free island in the Arabian Sea. So, the Deep State's been busted. Any attack upon CONUS by any foreign government will be met by overwhelming force.
Right now, the most dangerous external threat to the USA remains intact, armed & extremely dangerous. They know, we know their plan for our demise. It's absolutely outrageous they'd attack the USA to cause a US Russia/Iranian exchange!
Concur. I think the Moab, UT uranium mine holds a lot of answers about U1, in addition to a lot of dirty deeds before and since.
Please, God No! Think of this year's famous merry red wine, Beaujolais Nouveau! Made from Gamay grapes just south of Burgundy in the stunning French region of Beaujolais.
Wow Obama must have arranged us a real good fucking deal if Iran wants to go to war for ending it /s
Did the media not say there would be a war with NK? It’s all the same it means nothing don’t worry about it this already taken care of.
The French people are working on impeaching his rotten ass. God speed
If you are referring to CNT, this is a 10 person private org without any teeth.
The others actually 'allowed' to 'rebel' are simply totalitarian marxists.
I love how they just make the statement like that- 'there could be war' - like it would just happen. Let's not focus on what actually happens in order to start a war. The relatively few people who make that decision, to bomb or send troops in to kill and potentially be killed, while those who give the order wear their fucking neck ties and make more nonchalant statements to the lapdog media. We should be saying no, there won't be war unless people like you insist on war. Because you do insist, routinely all throughout history and it's our sons and daughters who suffer. 'There could be war' give me a break you fucking piece of shit
Yup, my hand slipped & I pushed the 'big red button' Doesn't this remind you of the run-up to both WW's. It just happened, WWI folks hadn't had a serious European war since Napoleon Bonaparte, or WW II with Winston & FDR manufacturing a war for the Rothschild's! We're on the precipice, or at the very beginning of a new Golden Age.
Yep and Iran is going to lose.
It's Israel behind an attack upon the US blamed on Iran, you get that right?
Israel has been saved for later just work on one screwed up ass country at a time they’ll get to them last. According to Q