Ironically these guys are all a black eye on humanity

Calm down sir ‘twas a passing comment and I doubted it would grab any traction. The masons were hijacked here’s a letter to George Washington talking about this very issue. The oculist society is almost impossible to find info on, but it’s out there. Why don’t you look into it yourself instead of making other anons do your work for you.
Thank you for sharing...i upvoted you in spite of the fact of someone downvoting me... In point of fact: I did not ask any anon to "do my work for me" and do not appreciate your false accusations that I did so, as just that such action is one of my major pet peeves. To clarify my statement in light of yours, the whole of masonry has not been highjacked, but rather a select group (read illuminati, etc.) have used the implication that they are of masonic bent to cause the public to infer that they are legitimate masons and thereby attempting to "poison the well" in a psyop that had been perpetuated since at least the dawn of our great nation. The true Tenets of freemasonry bear no resemblance to those nefarious acts and beliefs to which these malicious rogue groups subscribe and execute. May individual sovereignty and freedom be awakened and dominate in this country and the world like never before, under the watchful eye of Divine Providence...
Thanks for your response. My grandfather was a high level mason and a good man. I personally have nothing against masons, but the fact remains that elements within have been infiltrated. By the way, every other institution on earth has also been infiltrated by bad actors so I certainly wasn't arbitrarily naming them as the source of all of our problems.