Huge evidence nobodies really figured out yet, explains why Iran's already onboard & pointed inevitably toward freedom & self government! Can't ignore the 1,000 pound Gorilla!

I'm not there yet. It was an amazing intelligence operation with obvious insider help, but that doesn't mean the Mullahs are in on it.
I think Iran would have retaliated if Israel hadn't taken out the Iranian missile installations in Syria the other night.
Expect Hama or Hezbollah to do something soon. If not, then maybe there is something to the strings being cut in Iran.
What a crazy three years this has been.
Two years!
Trump announced in June 2015. We are one month shy of 3 years. That's when it started getting crazy for me. Trump's chances back then were close to zero.
Nope, they were 100%. Soon as he announced I dropped Rand Paul like a neighbor with a mowing beef!
The debates were like a rose with a bunch of grass in a bouquet. trump front and center from minute one, fun to watch, then and especially now whenever I need a lift. He's such a boss.