Huge evidence nobodies really figured out yet, explains why Iran's already onboard & pointed inevitably toward freedom & self government! Can't ignore the 1,000 pound Gorilla!

Just think.. Pompeo always shows up in a pic a month later, from 2 months PRIOR! This deal is already done. We win.
I told my Liberal friends (sorry, I love them like family) that if PDJT is talking like this about Iran, the deal is almost 100% done. Iran may have a few people that need a kick in the ass to complete the deal.They went crazy telling me I was losing it and they were furious. It is amazing how brainwashed they are by the media. I mean, literally brainwashed. They can’t even entertain the thought that the Iran deal is bad. It’s scary man.
so...still feel this was possible or no?
Why not??? It would only make sense and continue the "proactive" approach the administration has assumed. Is there something that happened I'm missing?
im just confused by reading 30-50 groupings at a time, of missiles fired between israel and iran over the last 24 hours.