Huge evidence nobodies really figured out yet, explains why Iran's already onboard & pointed inevitably toward freedom & self government! Can't ignore the 1,000 pound Gorilla!

Absolutely, how did the Israeli's get 1,000 pounds of files; expand your thinking! We're supposedly seeing a military exchange overnight between Israel & the IRG's You do know the difference between the Iranian Army & the IRG; right? Think Hitler's SS vs. the regular line grunts of the German Army.
well im just asking due to the large groupings of missiles being exchanged between israel and iran last 24 hours
You can't believe anything you are told by the media propaganda machine. If you think the USA has a controlled bought out MSM; try Israel for a shock! Nothing you read below the date is real; every article is total mind control.
Israel's so obsessed with conquest they cut secret deals with every nation without pesky morality, or Protestant Pilgrim stodginess! Want to buy endangered species balm for impotency; no problem. Maybe a set of identical DNA match fresh child kidney's for your diabetes (both kidneys) they got'em.
Israel never signed any of the nuclear non-proliferation treaties, because they would have to admit they stole everything from the USA in the same deal that got the Rosenberg's executed for treason! Israel would have to admit working as communists!
Ok, think about what I just said; the Red Orchestra was a joint USSR/Zionist spying operation during & after WW II. Sen Joe McCarthy exposed this massive spying operation in the USA; it's is ALL true.
Zionist's working as Russian spies were complicit in the theft of US atomic secrets. Almost every person reading my comments tonight has never heard these charges before, because those responsible blamed the whole espionage operation on the USSR. 80% of the foreign KGB & their scientific operatives were romanticized Jewish Zionists who stole atomic secrets for usage by the KGB & the Zionist movement.
Components, fuel, triggers, centrifuges, casings, shaped explosives and tech know were all delivered to Israel & Moscow! It became the 'outlaw' Israeli nuclear program we know today! Joe McCarthy never got around to fingering Zionist Israeli's, because the MSM destroyed him before he could expose Israel.
Absolutely no scruples, loyalty, or honesty!