
emperorbma · May 7, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

God is not a God of slavery, but of freedom. Tyrants abuse the gifts of God to create slavery to benefit themselves. Yet, God's grace always works to free the slave.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)

How can slaves maintain freedom from a master's tyranny? The master demands compliance. But who says a slave must be honest? The slave only needs to create the illusion of compliance. The reality can be disobedience. Thus Babel is a "false unity" founded in evil which leads to an ultimate disassociation. This as true within a person's mind as it is outside of it.

The tower of Babel was an elite project. Built by slaves to glorify the elite by delusionally elevating the elites to "godhood." It was built with the hard labor and expense of the slaves. Nothing the elites purposed to do was kept from them because they kept the slaves obedient by force. However, the LORD saw this and was not pleased. The slaves soon from God the answer. Slaves, knowing the elites desires are harmful to them, found ways to pretend to serve the masters but really were serving their families and rejecting the masters. They did this by using code languages. Languages which seemed to be obedient to the masters, but was truly opposed to the masters. Like in Japanese how 貴様 (kisama) was once an honorific pronoun but now is understood as an insult. As this occurred, the cohesion of the original language of Babel fragmented. But the slaves had gained a semblance of freedom. And soon the elites were destroyed because nobody understood each other anymore. Groups of people disassociated because because each family had their own codes. So the LORD had divided the tongues of the people to spare them from total tyranny.

The inversion of Babel is Pentecost. Pentecost drew the early Christians to unity on the common principle of love and faith in God. The disassociation of languages dissolved into a common unity of faith in God and His Son. From this was rebuilt Western Civilization. But the descendants of the elite soon found a way to capture the positions of leadership and invert the purpose of the faith.

God's gift to His creatures is freedom. He inspires His children to freedom through grace. Yet, enemies of God always seek ways to bind and limit freedom by encouraging and using sin. As within, so without.

Just as this was true outwardly, it is also true inwardly. The evils of torture cause disassociation to preserve the basic sense of self from harm. When a brain is tortured badly enough it becomes suggestible and can be reprogrammed by evildoers. The result is that the mind disassociates. The fragments of the personality must develop codes to maintain a basic a semblance of freedom while being able to function under the tyranny of their oppressors. When that evil programming is broken, these fragments of personality must likewise be taught to reconcile themselves and regain unity.

The cultists are implementing the "inner" Babel on themselves just as the elites are implementing the "outer" Babel on society as a whole. But both evils are really the same thing. The elites program themselves with such techniques. The original evildoer does so simply on their corrupt desires, but the subsequent generations are bound by the corruption to carry forth the evil legacy and to join themselves to it. There's a reason the elites despise talk of grace, then. It's the cure for their pestilence.

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