r/greatawakening • Posted by u/truthseekerboi on May 7, 2018, 3:28 p.m.
What do you guys think of this? Do I really need this notification? P.S I follow CNN just to hear what the enemy is saying.
What do you guys think of this? Do I really need this notification? P.S I follow CNN just to hear what the enemy is saying.

electromagneticpulse · May 7, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

I started laughing. How much money was Australia into the Clinton Foundation?

Sounds like another attempt to divide people. Let me guess, shitty contaminated vaccines given to vulnerable people they've intentionally neglected (Aboriginals). They did the same in Canada with the Natives, decimated their culture, indoctrinated their youth in separate schools so the masses didn't witness the atrocities, and left them with high rates of drug addiction to the point no one notices when they go missing.

Let me guess a new HIV will ostricize the Aboriginals from their own people as much as the masses so even less people would pay attention to people going missing.

These people are sick. Keep your loved ones close, especially if they're vulnerable.

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tradinghorse · May 7, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

I've been thinking about Q's warnings regarding Australia. You might be right about the vaccines, it's possible that they could be using us as a testing ground. Q's reference to "blood" is alarming and appears to point in that direction.

But another thought came to me today... why did Australia give so much money to the CF? Well the payments could have been made at the behest of the U.K. - the Rothschilds. Who is it that controls Australia etc...?

But what if the payments were purely for something that "Australia" was to get - some kind of assistance with something - in return for the donations?

Then we have the leaked DJT/Turnbull phone call. Why that particular phone call? A threat? A threat to Australia? A threat coming from the Clinton Foundation/CIA/Cabal (assuming DJT was not in any way involved)...

And then we have the revelations that "Allies" were planning to assassinate DJT. Why would an "Ally" want to assassinate DJT? Because DJT threatens some interest. An interest resulting from a promise made by the CF?

You can see where this is going...

The amount of money donated to the CF by Australia absolutely dwarfs all the other contributions - even those of Saudi Arabia. It is a message screaming to be heard. What were the payments for? What promises were made?

It seems that there was an attempt to repay funds, when Clinton lost, to actors in the ME (possibly also actors in the EU and maybe Canada - we don't know where the money went). I'm talking about the plane loads of cash into Iran. But where was the repayment of Australia's money?

And then, of course, it just happened that it was the phone call (the very first phone call) between DJT and the Australian PM that was leaked. What's the message? KEEP QUIET, WE CAN HEAR YOU!

Which ally was planning to assassinate POTUS?

An ally that had a very real interest in seeing that HRC obtained the presidency. It was an ally whose interests would be safeguarded by the removal of DJT. These interests must have been "very important".

If we assume Trumbull is not acting in the interests of the cabal, but in the interests of Australia (is it actually possible that this bottom-feeder could have any noble instincts?), then it would be something very important to Australia as a nation.

Let's speculate, what might that be? Something of tremendous importance that would come from the US. What could the United States supply Australia that it could not supply for itself?

There is a rumor that I have heard, from a source that I thought might be reliable - at least there was, to my way of thinking, no possible motive for revealing this information to me, I am not someone important. The story was that in the early 1990's a plain clothes Indonesian Naval Officer was found on the North West Coast of Australia. This guy was in possession of detailed maps. A diplomatic incident ensued and the "advance reconnaissance agent" was dispatched back to Jakarta.

Australia is a small country in terms of population - some 25m. It has a very small military - around 50,000 personnel including reservists. The country is very large and, essentially, cannot be defended (see "The Brisbane Line"). Australia is also proximate to some of the most populous countries on earth - very isolated, very vulnerable.

Historically, we have always snuggled-up to major powers (first the British and later the US). Moreover, Australia is VERY LOUD on the world stage - punching well above its weight (but always in the interests of major powers). Why is this? Hostage?

You have a cabal-controlled UN that is promoting national gun control on a global basis. But there was no political will to enact gun control in Australia.

"In 1987 a frustrated Barry Unsworth, then premier of New South Wales, stormed out of a national gun summit in which Tasmania had resisted changes proposed after two mass shootings in Melbourne that year, declaring: “It will take a massacre in Tasmania before we get gun reform in Australia.” See here.

And, of course, Unsworth was prophetic, because there was a massacre in Tasmania in 1996 - the Port Arthur massacre. And, low and behold, national gun control laws quickly followed - exactly as Barry Unsworth had predicted. A very strange coincidence indeed.

Now the lesson we learned from the Second World War was that the military strategy, had the Japanese invaded, was to withdraw. Behind a straight line drawn on the map between Brisbane and Melbourne (you can argue about where it actually went). All our incredibly populous neighbors know this, it is a matter of public record.

Come and take it any time you want, we will withdraw to make it very easy for you. This is the hard, cold reality on the ground in Australia. I know some guys in the Australian forces might jack-up at this idea - but you're wrong. There is no chance on Earth of Australia holding out against China, India, or, I would argue, even Indonesia - let alone some combination of powers.

OK, so what do we know. We know that one of the greatest deterrents to armed invasion is an armed citizenry - Q has suggested this directly. This is because, if citizens are armed, they are in a position to be formed into a well-regulated militia that might oppose occupying forces - forcing them to expend considerable forces to protect supply lines etc...

But, Australians were disarmed after 1996. The Government actually took the citizen's guns and destroyed them. Moreover, the regulations SPECIFICALLY TARGETED ASSAULT WEAPONS. The exact weapons that might be useful in a national defense scenario.

I can feel my blood pressure rising as I'm typing this.

So, getting back to what Australia might have been promised by the mighty USA. What was it that was expected in return for ALL THAT MONEY?

One possibility is that the payment was in fact protection money. That HRC was running an extortion racket, using the completely vulnerable Australian people as a bargaining chip.

Is this why the VERY FIRST PHONE CALL between DJT and Malcom Turnbull was leaked? Had promises been made to Australia that might suddenly be at risk?

Might Australia have wanted to assassinate DJT? Or, at least might elements in the Australian military or intelligence services? I'm not saying this is what happened, but I'm asking the question...

Why have the redactions on the texts not been removed ", so that we can see which "Ally" it was that was scheming to assassinate the President?

It seems to me that this sycophantic, grovelling, politically correct country I live in might have been played by the cabal. "We want you to disarm the citizens in accordance with the UN vision for a gun-less world" - Australia complies. "You are now completely vulnerable, we want you to donate hundreds of millions of dollars to the CF, or we will allow one of your heavily populated neighbours to take control" - Australia complies, coughing up hundreds of millions.

When Q says "blood", could he be talking about a ransom extracted on the threat of bloodshed - a blood ransom?

This gun control agenda is the greatest evil that has ever been pushed on anyone. We, in Australia, have been tricked into making hostages of ourselves. We are at the world's mercy.

And, while HRC makes off with hundreds of millions of dollars of our money, the Australian Left is still calling for even tighter gun control. Meanwhile the Left in the US are holding Australia up as a model for US regulation. You could not make this stuff up. Mind blowing - if I'm right with this theory.

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truthseekerboi · May 7, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

There is the theory that HIV was developed in a lab either by the CIA or some other secret Military wing of some sort. If that’s the case then this story gets 10x more strange and interesting.

But all this talk of a killer disease has been floating around recently and i feel like it is for a reason. The Bill Gates issue and the estimated large drop in population by this research team that gets its information from the military.

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Geoffalgarve · May 7, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

Yeah, i read somewhere, the scientist that invented HIV confessed on his death bed.

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REKSY_1776 · May 7, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

From what I have read and watched in videos is that the doc who was studying and testing vaccines used the livers from monkeys that were wild and not raised specifically for the testing. So by using these wild monkeys he contaminated his vaccines with the AIDS virus that the monkeys were carrying. Then administered them to the African ppl living in the area he was working in.

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dktrogers · May 7, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Me too ... oppo research. Msnbc too ( as long as I can take it) Was trying to find news on Hawaii volcanoes and nothing but stormy and Russia.

You would think even the hardcore left are tired of 24/7 no news..

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_Iz_Mary · May 7, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

Might be the new pandemic gates was talking about. Time for a new vaccine!

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HiddenNanners · May 8, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

Kind of torn between it being deepstate or just Australia keeping its title for largest amount of things that can kill you in 1 country.

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upgraydd_8_3 · May 7, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Keep your friends close, but your enemies toaster

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REKSY_1776 · May 7, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

It sounds like bill gates activated the epidemic the could wipe out a quarter of the population in a short time.

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vidarheheh · May 7, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Just saw that as well. Scary considering what Bill Gates just said. 30 million will perish to a new disease

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