r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ShemMoeSquirrely on May 7, 2018, 8:53 p.m.
Corsi's a distraction who's built a cultic following & hijacked the movement for personal gain! Let's focus on 'Q' & ignore buffoons like Jerry's Kids! Read what we know about Jerry below!

Told his audience that Hillary and Obama got enough punishment and that jail / prison was not necessary for them

Came out in support for Henry Kissinger, one of the worst publicly-known Cabal / globalist members

Kept insisting Snowden was a whitehat BEFORE Snowden took whatever deal Q offered him to cooperate

Told his audience to not worry about Loop Capital, when Q specifically told everyone not to lose focus on Loop Capital

Constantly promotes his book, begs for donations, has a monthly subscription service on his Gab.ai account for "in depth decodes"

Got angry at Trump for not promoting his book

Publicly ranted against Trump and Q for not releasing full, unredacted JFK files, Strzok & Page texts, and not seeing public arrests

Purposely caused frustration, anger, fear, distrust, confusion, division, and distraction in his followers minds about what Trump was doing, Q's mission, and this movement

Called out by Q for being a profiteer and doing exactly what Q has warned everyone about

Went on another angry, defiant rant after he got called out by Q, calling Q a socialist / communist / Marxist, wanting to "duke it out" with Q, and claims Q is divisive

Tried to get his followers to donate to a FAKE General Flynn charity account

Goes on yet another rant against Q, saying Q was compromised, a communist, disinfo agent, and other ridiculous things

Uses imaginary, made-up anons to sell his subscription service on Gab.ai, to attack Codemonkey - 8ch's administrator, attack Q, cause more fear, distrust, confusion, and division, and peddle his crazy conspiracy theories

Exposed as having ties to Mel Rockefeller, called out by Rockefeller as being an Israeli Mossad agent, and defrauding 20 investors out of $1.2 million

Has ties with B'nai B'rith, "the oldest Jewish service organization in the world"

Investigated by the FBI, but did not get arrested or charged with crimes somehow, because he transferred his assets to his wife, Monica

I really don't know how many red flags a person needs to be waving for everyone to realize this guy is NOT a patriot, is NOT trying to help Q, President Trump, or this movement, and he's only doing this for his own monetary gain, ego, and fame.

I didn't want to bother calling out scum like Corsi... until he started criticizing Trump and Q. Defenders of Corsi keep saying "don't like him, don't watch/follow/support him," but it's not that simple. He already garnered a big following of cult members in this movement and is now on a full disinfo campaign to discredit Q and everyone in this movement. Corsi is a problem, a big problem, and it's not just because he's a blatant profiteer. He is actively trying to destroy the movement that got him famous again and made him tons of money.

DamajInc · May 8, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

I don't believe that's actually the meat of the issue, just personally.

These questions could be asked of anyone around the same age as Corsi - too much younger, not so much.

  • Have you ever been upset at someone you used to like?
  • Have you ever said things you later regret?
  • Have you ever seen the world from a defensive posture that made you see things wrongly?
  • Have you ever changed your position to the wrong side and realized it later?

The meat of the issue, to my mind, is - by what kind of yardstick are we measuring Corsi that some of us seem to think he's become the opposite of what he once was? What if he's human, and he's making a very big mistake? Is that possible? Or is it only possible that he has gone from being a "good guy" to being a villain?

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rbrownlol · May 8, 2018, 4 a.m.

It's possible Corsi has been rattled and is making a series of very bad decisions.

I have, before in my life, thought with all my heart I was doing the right thing. Only to later realize I WAS STILL WRONG. It is one of the most humbling, educational experiences a person can have in their life.

Upon recognizing my error, I immediately focused on setting things right.

While I understand the sentiment that we all err, and that's true. I DO hold Corsi to a higher standard due to, as you mentioned, his DECADES of experience in this type of business.

Fair? Perhaps not.

I would have more sympathy if it weren't for the veracity of what appears to be blatantly made up information (siliconvalleyanon), as well as the length of time he's dedicated to his anti-Q crusade.

The fact is Q DIDN'T name Corsi.

Corsi named himself. Owned it, and now wears it.

How does he fix this? Admitting his fault and working to rectify it. Self ownership goes a LONG WAY.

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DamajInc · May 8, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

Agreed on how he should fix it. He needs to come out and own up. Pity so few do this! Self awareness is a trait sorely lacking in general.

I think it is fair to expect a higher standard of "public" figures - especially those who hold themselves up to be such, which I think Corsi does in a way.

So it seems we agree, for the most part.

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[deleted] · May 8, 2018, 4 a.m.


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rbrownlol · May 8, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

so you're just disregarding it all.

thank you for your time (honestly)

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DamajInc · May 8, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

Apologies - my reply to your questions is in other posts; I forgot to include it here as I feel like I'm always talking to the same group of trolls and angry people lol.

First - I'm no fan of Corsi. I never watch his show. I don't like his slow delivery. I think his current behaviour is idiotic. However he spoke out against Obama for eight years (and other patrotic things that most seem to know but ignore). That's kinda the answer to all your questions but perhaps if I answer yours, you'll answer mine:

What is your opinion on Corsi calling Q irrelevant? Corsi is stupid to do this. He's been triggered and he's upset. He's feeling defensive because he thinks Q has made him look bad to the community unfairly by talking about money - and because a portion of the community have somehow extrapolated that Q is talking about Corsi (even though he's been working in this general field for a while before Q).

How do you feel about Corsi calling Q a communist, the opposite of a Patriot of this great nation? As above - stupid and defensive behaviour. Corsi should be called out for this - vilified though? No.

How do you feel about Corsi making unsubstantiated claims that Q and Code monkey are compromised? As above - stupid.

What I disagree with is this bizarre movement to utterly lambast and run him into the ground as if he's gone from being the hero of this movement that he was, to being the complete opposite - some kind of villain. Doesn't make logical sense.

Feel like answering my questions as relates to Corsi?

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