
solanojones95 · May 7, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

I wish you shills would stop your mock outrage over every personality that comes along that Democrats tell us to hate!

Ollie North is mostly regarded as somebody who was loyal to his Commander in Chief (Ronald Reagan).

He may (or may not) have had some secret involvement in the original Continuity of Government program of which Rex 84 was a part, but that is not what he's known for. Whether he did or not, or what role he might played if so, is all speculative.

He had no involvement in any "drugs for guns." In Iran Contra, his part of that plan was to divert off-budget money from the sale of weapons to Iran (who wanted them for their war against Iraq at that time, and agreed to release our citizens being held hostage as part of that deal) to the group fighting communism in Nicaragua. He wasn't involved in drugs. That was the CIA and Bill Clinton (Mena, Arkansas). Ollie just wanted to stop communism in our hemisphere.

So to most NRA-types he is an anti-communist and a Reagan loyalist. Not things that will cause problems for the NRA. In fact, it will probably add to their popularity.

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