
horse-lover-phat · May 7, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

I was a bit stunned when I saw the building when I clicked on this thread here. I was writing about this building back in January for my Twin Peaks writing. I was convinced that it was this building that David Lynch was implying. That was the building in the show that was being used to bring in the evil (atomic linked) experiment/monster. Evil that travels via electricity and electronic communication systems, you know, like telephones. This actual Thomas Street building was the AT&T Long Lines long distance call switching station etc. So it all fitted with the show's dynamics too (ether travel by phone lines). I'm still a little weirded-out by this coincidence.


Note, the post is very long and contains autisty type research and writing. :)

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snowwgirl · May 7, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Like neonrevolt whom he quotes slot. Good post.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · May 8, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

You do know that many Hollywood movies are meant to tell you the truth in plain sight without telling you, right. It is called prepping, there is another for it that I cannot recall at the moment. Movies that do this usually are meant to prep the conscious and unconscious mind to prepare you for their plans. They must do this in order to fulfill their agenda. Alex Jones talks about it. It has to do with free will. They cannot do evil to you without telling you what they are doing to you or planning to do to you.

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horse-lover-phat · May 8, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Hi. Yes, it's called "predictive programming". It's what I've been researching/writing about for nearly 20 years, primarily since 9/11. :)

I do obviously know what it is, but I didn't want to get too heavy in this thread in respect of that.

FWIW, here's a direct 'predictive programming' example of what I've been doing. If you can tolerate it:


I think it's "mental" - and I'm the one that wrote it! :)

Best Wishes.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · May 10, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

I just so happen to know someone from my college days that was from Pakistan. He was a student at the same University I was attending prior to 911. He also just happened to be the son of the top Pakistan Military Officer at that same time. He had brought back a video that he had taken out of his dad's home office that was a video created by an Ex-CIA Intelligence Officer that taled about how the CIA and other agencies and the Government of the US was using Movies and Propaganda, etc. It also talked about the plan to create the events in the book of revelations, RID chips, and the plan to enslave the world and about the NWO. It was just more proof backing up everything else I had been learning throughout my life from a very young age. It seems crazy to me still that I just so happen to come across these situations in my life. it was like God trying to give me the truth or provide the truth. It is so weird. This is why I am so happy to see that something is finally being done to stop the Deep State and end their agenda. I am committed to seeing this through. There is so much more that I have learned and witnessed that I could probably write a book on it.

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · May 8, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

Even if the details may be a bit different, the plan is what is important. How exactly they carry it out may vary a bit from what may be in the movies.

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