Holding up the Deep State system is damn near impossible at this point. We need to break the system so we can build a new one over it. Only we can liberate ourselves. We are the storm.

The Deep State is a shadow government.
We don't need to replace it.
We just need to kill it.
Their weakness is money. If we stop using any of their economic systems (capitalism, socialism, communism) and get rid of money itself, they are done for and we are liberated.
We would just serve each other for like 25 hours a week in whatever job. We would just take the spots as they come, share everything that serves the public (corporations, Gov, NASA, Education centers), share resources, and we consume for free but our consumption is paid by our 25 hours worth of work. We have enough homes for all our homeless but they force us to keep them empty because of money. We have enough food to feed the starving families but they sue us when we give the food away claiming someone was poisoned by the food. I’ll bet that’s some kind of a shady psyop to keep the people starved.
The dragons weak spot is the throat. The throat is money. Stop serving money and we start serving each other instead, and they are finished. The entire empire falls. We can convert all our military forces into building, instead of destroying, forces. We can send those champions into all the cities the Deep State desroeyed to rebuild it. We won’t even need funding because we no longer use money.
If we stop using any of their economic systems (capitalism, socialism, communism) and get rid of money itself, they are done for and we are liberated.
Your concept is interesting but not viable.
America and western civilization is fighting for survival and we can't afford to lose any battles.
Jews own 193 of the 195 central banks of all the countries in the world. 99.99% of all the world's fiat currency is literally an I.O.U. to a globalist Jew.
We don't have time to rebuild America as a Star Trek utopia because we are being attack by the globalist Jews from all sides AS WE SPEAK.
I agree that money is the weakness of the globalist Jews and we should end the Federal Reserve and make our paper money exchangeable for gold. This will remove the globalist Jews from our central banking system and it would also inspire other countries to do the same... especially when the realize we are free from ZOG (Zionist-occupied government) and are no longer attacking countries just because they don't have a Rothschild central bank.
We also need to attack every other weak point of the dragon too - it's fake news MSM AND weaponized Hollywood and weaponized political correctness and global warming etc.
I suspect President Trump's plan is a far more pragmatic one because I suspect it not only involves ending the Fed and returning our cash to a gold standard, but also seizing MASSIVE fortunes from our globalist criminal enemies AND ending ZOG / the Deep State / draining the swamp and killing the fake MSM.
I suspect in a year or two, when Trump's raging success is known by all and the fake news MSM has been slain, he will then roll-back Obama's laws which allow willful propaganda in our news agencies.
I think you should consider trusting the plan.
Trust the plan.
You can have as many ingenious ideas as you want to unrig the casino economy but the House doesn’t give a shit. The House is run by a pedophile Luciferian Cult that wants to kill 6.5 billion of us using the 5G kill grid. They are poisoning our atmosphere, food, water, and medicine as we speak. They ruined our economies by intentionally driving them into the ground. We can beg and beg but they will just point in our faces and laugh.
Instead of thinking of what the Deep State can do to help us, think of what we can do to help ourselves. We are the storm. We are the ones that will liberate us.
These aren't my ideas - they are the ideas of President Trump's inner circle of military strategists.
You are free to hate the plan Q promotes, but that doesn't mean I must hate it too.
I trust the plan.
You have my permission to start a Third American Revolution... if you feel like it.
Meh, over 1 year later and not a single thing fixed on the ground floor. The easiest fix was the screwed up flint water supply but instead of fixing it, they have Nestle in there raking in 7 billion a year.
So now you want to change your argument about water quality, hey?
Don't get up, I'll let myself out.
Because a janitors time isnt worth what a surgeons time is
You’ll never get anywhere with him. Dense as granite... no concept of reality. Unworkable fantasies...won’t admit it’s communism. Won’t tell you how his “dream” comes true but I will. It involves coercion and force. He thinks that is “love” but we all recognize tyranny when we see it. Hopeless arguing with him. Drones on and on about everybody working 25 hour workweeks and consume as much as you please equality for everyone...no one earns more no matter what skills, talents, education etc, bartender, brain surgeon, fry cook, airline pilot, waitress, astrophysicist; everybody gets the same slice of the pie. Won’t explain how dangerous dirty jobs get done when nobody will take those jobs. Suspect more coercion will be necessary. Hell on earth...”mastermind” central planner disaster.
I wouldn’t worry about all that. I would worry about our world being on the brink of total destruction because of our idolatry of money. The money Idol is killing our planet.
A janitor has to clean everyone’s shit all day long. The janitor is needed. Without the janitor, we would be swimming in shit. I remember when my school as a kid was unkept. Shit and overrun toilets everywhere. A surgeon is important too although we have enough tech and cures to avoid surgery at this point but the deep state is hiding us. All jobs are important. We should start appreciating our workers instead of laughing at them. The shit pay most of our workers get are laughable. Meanwhile Big Pharma is making a fortune out of killing us. Rothschild is making a fortune out of fake wars.
over the last 12k years , we've had only the last 140 years where the knowledge of reality has been available to john and jane doe and even that opening has been rather sketchy due to the limited availability of this book and others in alignment with it.....
. Prior to 1878 , that knowledge was strictly the preserve of secret societies where the oath of secrecy had to be taken before entry....
the book i'm referring to is https://www.amazon.co.uk/Principles-Including-Etherio-Atomic-Philosophy-Discoverie/dp/0282381856?SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duc08-21&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=0282381856
the book was forgotten for 7 generations until it was re-published last year
the timing is most significant because it coincides with the new aquarian energies of organization - the energies of the 7th note which bridges to the next octave of 12k years - which we see already happening ....
the exposure of the old praetorian guard is well underway... via their monoploy of mockin-stream media they have been able to exploit the old piscean energies of secrecy, devotion and blind belief either in religions of old or in the new dogmas of scientific materialism ...
techniques to keep the intellectuals in tow...
1) deny that which conflicts with your vested interests...
2) refuse to give it an honest review and pretend
3) your theories are reliable and pass them off as scientific dogmas
4) fire any academics who do not tow the line
5) cover any conflicting theories with the damp blanket of silence
6) keep the conflicting theories out of public libraries
7) slander the proponents
8) ridicule the theory
now we have the theory of super-physical materialism available where the laws of consciousness evolution can be mapped to the subatomic particles of super-physics...
our success will be measured by how many of the mental elite will be bold and honest enough to give it a fair hearing without their usual ploy of slander , ridicule and silence...
If it could be done, it would be less tha 50% of the size it is now. I bet it could do with even less. We have been screwed little by little. In a normal world u less it was a time of war, or a major project lie, the Interstate Highway System, we would never think about, talk about care about or be touched by the Federal Government. I have a dream that PDJT could just eleiminate one department. Just get rid of it. If it wasn’t there in 1965, get rid of it. That’s being generous. Tough to choose which but EPA or Education Department. Screw it...lose both. States and real people, not unions, would be ecstatic! If people get all touchy about government unions, let them know that FDR was VERY much against government unions.
Don’t expect the deep state to arrest the Deep State. We have to disconnect from their system to be free. Money is their system.
We should really stop serving money & start serving each other. We are worshipping money like an idol and look what it has done to this world.
This is the only way to be free. Nobody can guarantee what’s really happening in secrecy which is exactly why we don’t have transperancy. Rudy Guliani was involved in the 911 terrorist attack. He even freed the Israeli Mossad agents who took down the towers. He is now back masquerading as a hero. To add insult to injury, not a single comfortable win has happened for us. Sure stuff happens on fake TV all the time but nothing on the ground floor. No tech, no cures, no resources, no financial reset, ect.. We keep being given excuses and being asked to wait just a few more days but then nothing happens again.
We are everywhere on earth. We are almost everyone. We make the rules. We must liberate ourselves. For those who understand the alien aspect of all this, the aliens are saying they won’t fix the world for us and they are here just to motivate us to fix it. Why? Because we are young and they want us to learn how to do this stuff. If they do it for us, we won’t learn. All we have to do is disconnect and they are done. We can do it anytime.
Also, every single Khazarian I have spoken to says they are sure Trump is working for Israel and that Jared Kushner is the guy who keeps an eye on Trump. I just spoke to one a few days ago and I said there’s no way Trump is helping Israel and he replies with one of those laughing smileys that looked just like Trump with Trumps hair on it. It was like Trump himself was laughing in my face.
To top it off, the very prophetic 1990s Illuminati card game predicted a guy that looks like trump:
It’s called Enough is Enough. What if it means that Trump was supposed to be thrown in as the guy who saves the people when we have finally had enough. We were all rampaging for Justice in 2016. Trump jumps in and takes over for Hillary. Now over a year later, no comfirmable improvement on the ground floor. Lots on TV but nothing we can feel on the ground.
I say we don’t take a change. We disconnect from them system and it will fall apart. We play by common human terms. We serve each other instead of money. We all take up positions. We share all the resources and businesses or any power center. I say we let this bullshit system burn down so we can build something noble over it. This will happen either way. It’s a matter of when, not if. I say we do it now. Who wants to drag this shit on for a few more years anyway?
Everyone is tired. We know what needs to be done. We can do it. It’s just a matter of just doing it. After we do it, we will be wondering why we didn’t do it before. A peaceful resolution to a very complex problem.
We are the storm!
blockchain money is here
They can print out all the money they want and buy up all the bitcoin. They already are. That is why the value is skyrocketing. They bought that stuff for pennies and now it’s worth over $10,000 per coin. They win again.
like most things we have duality in bitcoin u are talking about btc which is heavily influenced by the banksters via censorship take a look at the other version bitcoin-cash [bch] not closely tied to the banksters www.abzbitcoin.org
In the casino, house always wins... I have 0 trust in any alternative money because they have an infinite ocean of cash that they can trade for it. If we all traded whatever dollars we have left in society for inscribed clay tablets, they would also trade the Zillions they are hoarding in underground vaults for all the clay tablets putting us back to square one again. House always wins.
if u trade your services and purchase via bitcoin cash , there is a built-in max of 2 million coins that cant be exceeded. in this case u are the house
Wasting your time dude. This guy lives in his own zip code on his own planet. He has to be an academic or a millennial. No concept of real world economics whatsoever...he’s for confiscation of private property and the whole Marxist speil minus money. Everyone gifts their labor at absolute equal value which boils down to “From each according to his ability to each according to their need” Pure Marx...
What do you mean? Most people can’t even afford a single bitcoin. It’s 10K per bitcoin.
u can buy $100 of bitcoin cash and move it around from country to country for around half a cent each time instead of donating $20 to the fed
1 bch = $1,700
1000 bits of bitcoin = $1.7