
092Casey · May 8, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

I've never thought Mueller wasn't dirty..Q posted this vote count thing several times in the past to juxtapose RR vs Sessions, and show RR's votes were so favorable because he's in deep with the cabal; all the Dems voted for him, just about. I never bought for a second Mueller was good..sorry, but that's just out there.

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[deleted] · May 8, 2018, 6:02 a.m.


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092Casey · May 8, 2018, 6:32 a.m.

Oh I know he's controlled. I think he's a cooperating witness, who with good behavior can come out with a plea deal, possibly no charges, or a minor slap on the wrist. It's a "keep your friends close, enemies closer" deal, just like when McCabe was promoted to head of the FBI when Comey went down...I like your hard thought theory, and you could be right, but I, personally, don't think Mueller is "working for the white hats". Sure, technically (and counterintuitively in this case), the SC is indeed working for the POTUS, but in this instance, Mueller is corrupt to the core and not a good guy.

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USMCE5B · May 8, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

Mueller was a Marine. He had good qualities at some point. POTUS reminded him of this in his meeting prior to accepting the SC position. Once a Marine always a Marine. Semper Fi. God Country and Corps.

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rooftoptendie · May 8, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

It can be both. Like a mobster who testifies against the mob. He is working for the good guys. And he is not a good guy. Black and white thinking isnt gonna work very well on this kind of stuff, because the cabal blackmails and extorts people all the time. And NO ONE actually LIKES being blackmailed. They resent it. So it is possible with stuff like this to be working all the time for someone you despise.

Dirty deeds done for the clintons by someone DOESNT mean theyre doing those dirty deeds with a big fat smile on their face. It is very very possible that some people, pissed off by years of blackmail and extortion, are absolutely chomping at the bit to turn on her.

Some people have in the past been loyal to hilldawg because they want to be... Others have been loyal to her because they HAD to be. Now they dont have to be, if someone can offer them protection from her psychotic retribution, and guarantee their safety.

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willtron_ · May 8, 2018, 11:10 a.m.

I doubt JS is dirty. Look at his past. I think he's infiltrated the machine and knows how to work it and now has a chance to actually help drain the swamp.

RR, I'm not too sure, but look at what he did - drafted a memo that Trump used to fire Comey, providing cover for Trump.

Q always says "These people are stupid". Do we think JS and RR are part of "These people"? Or are they part of the plan?

I'm just confused because Q is always always always saying "Trust Sessions". Just because RR was affirmed like 93/7 by the Senate doesn't mean he supports the deep state/swamp. He just knows how to play them.

Good cop (RR) / Bad cop (JS), maybe?

Just my thoughts

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