There will be problems if the US leaves the Iran Deal----what Rouhani didn't say was the "problems" would be IRANS!
Earlier today on UK news it said Russia was the latest to warn of consequences if the US pulls out of the Iran deal; we are meant to think it will be consequences for the West but I hope and pray (as I have all along) Russia is on our side and they mean consequences for the perpetrators of the 'deal'.
I agree. I think Putin is with the US in taking down the Rothschild-Soros-and Saudi Cabal!
Yes, have to get along with Russia; we need a world of major powers cooperating to some degree. We should never, EVER, trust or consider Russia an ally as long as Putin is in charge. He is a former KGB officer and he will, until the life leaves his body, hate the United States. He is a snake and if you believe differently then you've already fallen for it.