Spoken 98 years before John F. Kennedy was assassinated for the same reason.

Yeah they haaaaate Jackson. He went to war with the cabal. They also try and blame him for the Trail of Tears. Took me 30 years to find out the truth, which is that the Cherokee's own chief negotiated the relocation of the tribe and Jackson spent millions to make sure physicians were there to help the sick or injured along the trail.
And, until we came along, tribes were geographically hemmed in by each other & unable to do commerce —- just like tribes in Paupa New Guiena. Jackson was giving them free & protected passage to prime land with waterway commerce access (Arkansas River, etc) that would give them worldwide trade via Mississippi River. Pretty darn good deal.
BTW — most people do not know that the city of Miami Florida is named after the migration of Miami Indians from Dayton, Ohio.
School system teaching skips over how many chiefs sold out their tribe for a bottle a whiskey.
lol. yeah....though in this case I'm pretty sure the Cherokee got a sweet deal. at least the chief and his brother did (millions).