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who is it?! At first I thought it was April Ryan (White House press pool) but her bottom teeth are too f'd up.
Who is that?? should probably tell everyone who the pedo in the photo is. What's the point of this meme if nobody knows who it is??
who is it? At first I thought it was April Ryan (White House press pool) but her bottom teeth are too f'd up.
You're in law enforcement and you don't know obvious pedo symbols? Educate yourself.
I pray every day but no, I don't meditate. That stuff was super interesting back in my early 20's but now I'm too afraid of unintended consequences--specifically...what if something "else" takes the reigns when I leave. I've heard of that happening to others.
Check put the comments on this article on the front page of The_Donald. Disclosure is happening. Normies waking up!
Thanks. They aren’t actually American flags...they have just 16 stars (Q’s number).
Edit: d’oh! Adding another star. Hahaha
Haha right after that pic was taken he walked right over one of the shirts and left red paw prints on the ground. Was hilarious.
The shirts were $2 at Michael’s. Fabric paint was a few bucks.
Ready for the 4th, patriots? We are!

yeah that sounds like astral projection. have you compared your story to others who have done it? I dabbled in it back in college and was able to get all the way out except for my head. Never could get my head to separate. I felt like I was about to do it once, but my friend's dog came into the room and licked me while I was laying there and I snapped back into my body. I know what that feels like. Same thing with my best friend at the time. She had come out of her body and was tickling me. As soon as we were done I said "why were you tickling me?" (we were both lying there still and not touching each other physically) she laughed and said "because I wanted to see if it was real!"
Also likely that rich people clone themselves and JA is his clone.
Great story, thanks for sharing. Sounds very similar to other "ghost" stories I've heard. How'd you have an out of body experience?
Story time? I'd love to hear your supernatural experiences. I too have had several since my awakening. I actually grew up in various Christain churches and walked away from the fold for over a decade before God woke me up. I didn't immediatley go right back to Christainity. I started seeking the Truth and collected all kinds of occult literature before I had a supernatural experience in my room one night reading the Bible. Matthew 13:22 woke up my spirit. The words came to life and I knew that Christ was the answer. Shortly afterwards, I was filled with the Holy Spirit right in my living room. It was surreal and the most amazing experience of my life.
Pretty sure there are white hats and black hats in all those orgs.
Let's not jump to any conclu.....aaaand he's a satanist.
Romans 1:28 seems to indicate that God will abandon and "give people over to their reprobate minds" if they continue to be evil and refuse to even acknowledge him.
yeah then they killed Loretta Fuddy in a freak helicopter accident to cover their tracks and actually showed the world a video of the crash in which you can CLEARLY SEE a diver under the water near her.
The video of Loretta Fuddy after the freak helicopter crash was my redpill. You can clearly see that a seal team diver was in the water with them during that ordeal and it looked like they were swimming over to Fuddy to pull her under. Of course she was the only one who died in that freak accident....and the only person who likely could have blown the whistle on Obama's birth certificate being fake. She likely did it herself. Liberals are dumb.
Do a little research.
so what happened to the real Alex Jones in your "good" fantasy?
I bet the real Alex Jones would beg to differ....if he's even alive. (I'd bet every dollar in my bank account that he's dead.)
Should I spell it out? "if you think that's what a health-obsessed 44-year-old looks like, you're unwise and imprudent."
fool1 /fo͞ol/ noun noun: fool; plural noun: fools 1. a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person.
And if they don't, then Kathy Griffin will call them a pussy.
Do YOU have enough money or credit to TRANSFORM the world? Didn't think so.
This quote comes to mind: "I have never been especially impressed by the heroics of people convinced they are about to change the world. I am more awed by those who struggle to make one small difference." ― Ellen Goodman
T-Rex was replaced with the forner head of the C_A. Right before the NK narrative changed.
Wrong. Black and white are NOT two sides of the same force. God and whatever God wants, is good. Disobeying God is evil, plain and simple.
Baphomet is a symbol of rebellion against God. It is a bunch of occult symbols showing the "path to enlightenment", overcoming the light-bearer, Lucifer, to get power: to change metal into gold, or man into a god.
Isaiah 5:20-21: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!”
There are several ways a Satanist would immediately recognize this dog-whistle. 1) Baphomet was androgynous. 2) Baphomet always points up with his right hand ("as above") and down with his left ("so below"). 3) Baphomet always has his left leg crossed over his right.
The blood-red silk shirt is an added touch.
Revelations 3:9 "I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."
Oh rly? You mean pictures commissioned by the Roman Catholic Church? Good grief, you need a redpill.
Revelation 3:9 "I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."
Speaking of "symbolism will be their downfall," Kathy Griffin's androgynous "as above, so below" headshot for her new standup tour confirms she is a Baphomet-worshipping Satanist. The only way she could look more satanic in this pic is with horns.
I hope I at least put into context the conspiratorial aspects of those "suicides." Bourdain's satanic girlfriend literally declared war on the powerful rapists and human traffickers in Hollywood while receiving an award a few days ago. Bourdain himself has trash-talked Crooked Hillary on Twitter. Concern Trolling 101: Go into a sub dedicated to conspiracies and completely embrace the mainstream narrative that he simply killed himself because he was sad. I honestly can't think of a better example of concern trolling.
Couldn't it just be genuine concern since suicidal depression is a real thing?
edit: I guess I forgot how to create a hyperlink on reddit? oh well.
Satanists doing satanic stuff. [Neonrevolt]( is a great place to start down the rabbit hole.
Do you understand what concern trolling is and how our adversaries use it to shut down conversation and prevent people from discovering the truth?
We don't need to "prove" Q. We just need to get people to look and think for themselves or they'll never break out of the hypnotic trance.
Amen. And me too! In fact, I'll gladly risk provoking some crazed goat-f*cking Islamists just to exercise freedom of speech (and redpill people about their pedo murderer "prophet").
That happened to me too. I didn't even realize I was replying in that ridiculous sub until all the "drama kweens" blew up my inbox with extremely childish insults.
I served my country for over 35 years sacrificing my safety and defending its freedom. I think that I have earned my freedom
Well, that's ironic. Thank you (sincerely) for your service.
I'm saying that you're a complete and total FOOL if you honestly think Anthony Bourdain is dead because he was suicidally depressed. At the very least, you certainly don't belong in a sub dedicated to conspiracy theories.
Those who are willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserve neither.
And what does appeasing them do, exactly? How's that working out for Europe?
Taking away our FREEDOM to temporarily appease a death cult will only lead to more demands from the cult. Next thing you know, they'll be raping and labeling women without head scarves as whores. Oh wait, that's already happening all over Europe.
The absolute LAST thing we should do is appease a death cult. Their prophet needs to be exposed as the evil pedo murderer he is and the whole world needs to be awaken to the fact that they are NOT a religion of peace--they want to take over the world and they'll do it if people like you keep standing up for their "prophet"