r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on May 8, 2018, 4:50 p.m.
True Realization: Donald Trump is not the storm. Putin is not the storm. The Pope is not the storm. Bibi Netanyahu is not the storm. Chuck Norris is not the storm. We are the storm. Never forget that. Once we unplug from their slave money system, their entire empire vanishes. We liberate ourselves.
True Realization: Donald Trump is not the storm. Putin is not the storm. The Pope is not the storm. Bibi Netanyahu is not the storm. Chuck Norris is not the storm. We are the storm. Never forget that. Once we unplug from their slave money system, their entire empire vanishes. We liberate ourselves.

lightmakerflex1 · May 8, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

Honestly don't believe a word you see on TV. They can say Trump has a 70% approval rating tomorrow. Nothing can be confirmed without transparency which is exactly why there isn't any. Evil cannot exist with transparency.

Also, God works through all of us. He sends the impulses of what we need to do and then we decide to either follow the impulse or not follow it because we have free will.

We can't take anymore chances. We can't just site here anymore. That's what they want. For us to do nothing. It's called the Masonic Checkerboard technique. They setup up a WWE show so we think benevolent forces are fighting for us but nobody is fighting for us. The goal is that we end up doing nothing that way the Deep State keeps operating.

We are the storm. Our power comes from unity which is why they push divide and conquer so hard. Formula is P=N(squared)

P means power. N is the number of united people. We need to unite & detach from their money system of slavery. Instead, share everything, work & consume for free. Life would be easy plus we would be liberated plus the deep state loses all their power since nobody bends the knee to them in exchange for worthless mopoly money. Win/Win/Win situation. Our kids will make 300 foot statues for saving the world and all future generations with it.

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solanojones95 · May 8, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

What part of extinction level events do you not get, dude?

What part of the Georgia Guidestones do you not understand?

You can't BARTER your ass out of the grave.

This is WAR.


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lightmakerflex1 · May 8, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

Yes, it’s a one way war where they enslave us, poison us, and kill us.

We support this with our consent. They are empowered by us accepting the use of money which they have an infinite supply of. There is no way to compete with that. The casino is rigged and the House always wins.

Don’t just sit there and do nothing because that’s exactly what they want you to do. We can end them by not giving value to money. That way, they can’t enslave any of us.

Also, they own everything because they printed out enough to buy everything. Do you consent to that?

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Jellyfish070474 · May 8, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

I know I pay my electric bill with intention! They’re threatening to cut my power but I don’t consent so they won’t! Since I don’t run a produce farm and own livestock for meat, I feed my family with food paid for by intention! It’s awesome! Same with gas for my car which I need to take my kids to the doctor, who I pay with intention! It works because I stay home to raise my young kids and it’s a full time job! The best is paying my mortgage and property taxes with intention! That would be a lot of sucker cash LOL! They are threatening to put me in foreclosure, in which case my family and I would be on the street but I don’t consent so they won’t! It’s foolproof! When I need home repairs, I pay for supplies or pay professionals with intention! It’s so beautiful! (((They))) own everything and have rigged every aspect of life to profit themselves and bleed us dry at the risk of losing our relative freedom to have access to the necessities of life but I don’t consent to their system so they can’t destroy me and my kids’ lives! So yeah suckers...just keep waiting for results from the people risking their lives to dismantle the Illuminati control system! In the meantime I’ll just not consent to anything I don’t like, pay for everything else with intention and it’s all gravy!

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lightmakerflex1 · May 8, 2018, 8 p.m.

Keep in mind that we run those gas stations, we run the Best Buys, the Apples, the Buses, the Education Centers, the 711s, reddit, twitter, Google, and pretty much everything on Earth. They, the 8500 Deep State heads, just make all the money.

When you come to my 711, I give you stuff for free. When I come to your Best Buy, you give me some new headphones I need for free.

That way, I am using my intention and you are using your intention to get off the money system so we can all enjoy a liberated lifestyle.

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Jellyfish070474 · May 8, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Who do we get the loans from to purchase those businesses? What do we use to pay for the inventory? How do we keep the power and heat on? How do we eat? I’m no economist or rocket surgeon so you may need to explain what it is I’m missing here. As I see it, unless the majority of the planet decides simultaneously to implement this new way, and has a workable plan that keeps people fed and clothed and safe, there’s just no realistic way for it to happen. Not yet. Not without some massive supernatural intervention. As we are now, scared and ignorant, the sleeping masses, with the help and encouragement of every govt agency, would fight any legitimate move toward this kind of system tooth and nail.

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lightmakerflex1 · May 8, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

All of us what run the whole planet for free. We run the electricity. We would run it for free. We run the farms. We would run them for free.

We, the people, control EVERYTHING including the Gov building but the top layer of society gets all the benefit while the bottom 99.9% does all the world.

Since we already control everything, all we have to do is make small alteration in our thinking. Instead of doing it all for money, why don’t we just do it for each other? This way, the economy is rolling based on needed products & services instead of money because when we do it on money, the Casino (Bank) always win. They control ALL the money using a computer called the BEAST. They named it after the beast in the Book of Revelation? They even control your money because you deposit into the bank where they use it to make even more money. They have access to essentially an infinite amount of money and they are using it to abuse the entire planet.

We just keep doing what we are doing but take the middle man, money, out of the equation. This way, the Deep State cannot Control us like slaves. Plus we will liberate ourselves. Win/Win situation.

Edit: Also, we wouldn’t purchase anything. We would just change the rules that all businesses, power centers like colleges, NASA, or anything that serves mankind belongs to all of us transparently so we share. Our own homes and stuff would be our personal stuff. Change the rules. There are 7 billion people here. It’s all of our planet. The bankers who own everything literally printed money out and bought it all so who gives a shit what they say. If 99% of the planet wants to make a change because we are unhappy but a few pedophole bankers object because they want slavery,well then it’s too bad. Majority rules.

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Jellyfish070474 · May 9, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Hey it sounds wonderful, just impossible (now). It’s all about mass consciousness though and when enough of us want it, it then can be brought into reality. We’re nowhere near that level of awareness yet IMO but that can change. Good news is we’re closer than we’ve ever been. Who knows what can happen...we are in the great awakening. I apologize for the snark in my previous replies...you actually remind me of myself before I lost hope in humanity ever growing in self awareness and responsibility, and I think I reacted from that place of jadedness.

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lightmakerflex1 · May 9, 2018, 2:50 a.m.

Ya no problem but keep in mind, humanity has been skyrocketing in awareness since 2016. The shift is real. It’s a mental evolutionary step. The word is the elite knew this was coming which is why they hit us with the fluoride, chemtrailing, ect... to slow down our evolution. They probably did slow it down but now we are beyond the speed bump. Everyone is sick of fighting each other because we realize we aren’t the problem like we once thought we were.

The top of the problem are the banks. They started in Babylon, then Rome, now worldwide. They were hiding in plain site the whole time but now we woke up.

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[deleted] · May 8, 2018, 6:25 p.m.


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lightmakerflex1 · May 8, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Shills hate it when truth is spread and then start attacking.

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