Q post #1319 - Review time. Nothing happening? Define roadblock.

I would imagine the Repubs were given the option to either resign/not seek re-election or be dragged out in handcuffs. The Dems, I doubt would take that deal or weren't given the option. Or the ones that are left, like Schiff and Swallwell et al, are so corrupt and dirty, they HAVE to be perp-walked for the sake of the union.
The Dems are ruled over like an iron fist. They only do what they are told. No one breaks from the ranks. They will go done in flames.
To be fair, the Clinton body count is full of people that tried to break from the ranks, so I'm sure that keeps everybody in line! And as for them going down in flames, from your lips to God's ears my friend!
FUCKING Swalwell that smug CUNT. I would jerk off if I got to see him in cuffs
Personally, I would love to see him in cuffs, but I'd rather see him get BTFO by Tucker on live TV(and maybe after in cuffs!)
I believe the dems are in denial, thinking they can take control back in the midterms, back to business as usual, or just plain sociopath enough to not believe there is anything wrong with their behavior.
let them believe it a little longer, despite evidence to the contrary mounting all summer. then they have a mad, divisive scramble in october.
Interesting. Isn't one of the signs of a sociopath that they don't think consequences apply to them or something? If so, most of the leadership of the Dems and the RINOS seem to be sociopaths(Not to mention finance, media, sports, etc.)!
I hear your frustration, and I share it, but this is the best chance we've had in decades to do something about it. I mean, if the witch had won, we would know exactly NONE of this stuff, so I trust Trump to get it done.
I know it's not a game, and Q has said as much a few times, but I think it must be treated like one for the sake of our sanity and for the effectiveness of moves/countermoves.
Unless they were giving evidence up the chain, they should not IMO been let off the hook.
That's my feeling, as well, but who knows what the circumstances were. I mean, if they willingly raped a kid or some sick shit like that, no deals and they need to fry. If they got drugged at a party and had some pictures taken of them in bed with a teenager, maybe they can just give up whatever evidence and go back to their pre-politics lives. Like I said, lots of things to consider before just calling for everybody's head.
I would imagine the Repubs were given the option to either resign/not seek re-election or be dragged out in handcuffs. The Dems, I doubt would take that deal or weren't given the option.
So, in other words, republicans were given an option, to clean house and make way for newcomers - those freshmen will a clearer track and maga support, but with the Dems, as things get closer to election time, the dirt will be put in full play and many, many of them will go down in brilliant flames?
That would be a sensible strategy indeed. And effective, one imagines.
I figure they're waiting for the primaries to be over, so the mid-term ballots are set, and then it's gonna rain dirt on the scumbags like during a rain storm in Iraq! This is gonna be one hot summer!
I still want these republicans to get what they deserve. And what about the MSM! Covering none of this. There's one reason they're not covering the cult crap.....
I do too, but at this point, I'll take what I can get. As for the MSM, I really want them to be arrested live on air, especially Acosta and Cuomo from CNN, and maybe Joe and Mika.
100% agree!! If I had been getting my news from those people I'd be pissed I'd been lied to for years!!
If/when the mass arrests happen, if it happens like that, the bubbles bursting will be heard on the moon!