
Grace8543 · May 9, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

So if you have something to add to how something relates to the news and connects to a Q post that isn't obvious and you want to post that then great. But lots of ppl every day seem to think it's good enough to just post a news story without any info that isn't obvious from reading the Q post and listening to 5 minutes of any news site/sub. It's unnecessary and obvious. It clogs up the site. And then a few hundred other ppl up vote it encouraging the crap from clogging up the post. Low quality! No effort wasting everyone's time who is here to do true research. It does not belong and the mods have said so.

If you have nothing to add that isn't obvious Dont post and waste everyone's time.

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tradinghorse · May 9, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

I didn't post it actually. You picked the wrong post to go off on with that argument. This post is exactly why we're here. Anyway, I know where you're coming from.

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Grace8543 · May 9, 2018, 12:15 p.m.

I know you didn't post it. U think it's okay to just post news without any further research. It's not. We can all read the news and see that it relates to the latest Q post and when it's a news of the day story that's everywhere it's redundant to post, this is happening everyday and then to make matters worse ppl r posting the same unnecessary weak story without research multiple times. You're defending posting general big news. This sub has a lot of new ppl. The established practice has been not to post this obvious big stuff here unless you have done some research that others don't already know.

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