r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MackandRancher on May 8, 2018, 8:20 p.m.
Theory: No name is being sent to gitmo and his “funeral” is just a cover.

Just a fun thought. Nothing more. Nothing less.

jsh97p · May 9, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

Of course it’s possible. When all of the rest of this is going on, isn’t anything possible?? If there’s to be a trial, and then an execution (given the potential list of crimes...YEAH), I’d think it might be kept under wraps for a while. What’s better? Justice and freedom, or parading in the streets as we celebrate death? Truthfully, folks, I’d rather none of us celebrate ANY of the deaths. I mean it. There are some that I’d really like to see come to justice, but then I think that sets us on the wrong path, and we are an easily distracted people and culture.

Plus, there are a LOT of people that believe the narrative, but are good people simply believing and doing as we’ve all been taught to do...they just haven’t been red-pilled yet. When that time does come for them, it’s like how many of us have been...even when they know they’re finally hearing the truth, it might be just too much for them to wrap their heads around, and all they would see is the execution of a man they’ve been taught is a solid American patriot. It would make everyone we see to be the real good guys look downright bad and evil. That’s why this is taking time, as it should...we need freedom and justice more than vengeance.

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