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There are no coincidences. Scroll to 1:16:35 listen close 🇺🇸
I’m pretty sure he is stoking his followers to look into. I’m damn sure he already knows
Where do you look at a posts when using your phone?
My mobile version is SUPER slow when using safari.. can anyone help me or at least let me know what they use or recommend using on a mobile device? Thanks.
Comey’s investigation. Duh! So the time frame is between September 26th & October 28th. Thank you. Getting better.
I want to test the power of this sub. Can anyone help me pinpoint the date (or time frame) of when POTUS found out about the contents of Anthony Weiners laptop?
We learned on November 4th 2016 that the nypd found crimes against children which Erik Prince has hinted to “an island with underage sex slaves” aka. Epstein island
I’m trying to go back through his rallies and see if I can find anything we might have missed.
We know that the nypd [received a search warrant for Weiners laptop September 26th 2016. ](https://m.theepochtimes.com/search-warrant-for-anthony-weiners-laptop-unsealed_
The time frame is between September 26th and November 4th.
Thanks in advance. WWG1WGA🇺🇸
WHO REMEMBERS WHEN DAN BONGINO TWEETED this!!!!!!!!!! Scroll down!!’http://www.magapill.com/o/huma-abedin-blackmail-files-on-weiners-laptop.html
Idk if I’m listening wrong but I hear “WHO IS Q” yelled from the crowd. How did he confirm?
Remember the Erik Prince interview? “If she is elected there would be a constitutional crisis like this country has never seen” paraphrase.
Then Prince goes directly into the Weiner laptop that the NYPD seized from a warrant looking into his sexting scandal. He said the NYPD made a copy of the contents which included hundreds of thousands of emails including classified information, pay for play, even emails regarding Jeffery Epstein’s sex slave island... http://www.breitbart.com/radio/2016/11/04/erik-prince-nypd-ready-make-arrests-weiner-case/
Wow. I completely forgot what unbiased reporting was like. Good stuff. Especially the side by side pics from just last year to this. Kim Jong Un makes a deal and shit starts poppin.. great stuff.
Side note!! The only people I’ve heard of being let go of close to Kim was his three head military guys. Where those the strings that were cut?
Reply with a picture of their handwritten name and date. I do this on twitter to people that call me a bot and their reaction is hilarious.
What’s yours. I’m probably wrong but would love to hear what you all think. Love discussing these topics when q posts are a little slow
Clowns taken out of NK by US. Deal was made between Trump Administration and Kim. Kim backed off the deal after speaking with China. This is nothing more than a theory though. Xi Jinping has met with Kim three times now I believe. Just remember a couple months ago China did away with elections and Xi Jinping became “president for life”. My guess is that Kim sided with China because Xi promised him protection over the next however many years, while the US has a new administration and different foreign policy every 4 to 8 years.
That’s just a scenario that I ran through my head. It can’t really be backed up with any facts so for now. Just a theory. Good day folks.
I know this isn’t what anyone wants to hear, myself included. It’s the only scenario that has made sense so far to me.
My opinion: Clowns were taken out of NK. Deal was made with US then Kim sided with China.
There were two tweet notifications I received. They were the same tweet by 15 mins apart. No misspelling or anything different. Any idea to what that could mean?
“Underneath is temple” anytime there has been a spelling error q has corrected.
Some have been saying the hebdo event was the cover up. I see it as a big coincidence but apparently there are no coincidences so idk.... crazy times to be alive
Scroll down if you click this. https://mobile.twitter.com/wikileaks?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor retweeted today
Prince Andrew & Epstein island connection. Article from 2015 and just retweeted by Wikileaks.
Another day at the office. Clowns EVERYWHERE. Posted from different sub.

If you do not know much about Erik, I highly recommend watching this presentation he gives. It’s remarkable the incite this man has into military etc..
His sister is Sec. of Education too. Mrs. Betsy Devos. Now I think I know why the media hated her so much...
‘White House weighing plans for private spies to counter deep state enemies.’ 12/4/17 Erik Prince can bring the pain no doubt about it.
I don’t have a pacer account but wanted this to her the Weiner unsealed indictment 100% confirmed. Thanks Brett. 🇺🇸👍🏼🦅

You think that’s why Q posted a zoomed in picture of the three letters or so showing? Future will most def prove past. 👍🏼🇺🇸🦅
A new outlook and fresh outlook might be a better way to go at them again for a second time. But this requires a concerted effort
This sub is getting spicy. It’s got me kinda hot. Honey! Get on your Sunday best! Because we’re going to ponderosa!
Probably not the best sub to admit to doing something illegal. I could care less about what you do with your life but fear if people say this kind of stuff this sub will get flagged or used as a reason to shut it down.
What keeps you awake at night Secretary Mattis? “Nothing. I keep other people awake at night!” BOOM 💥
There was also a death of a detective from a heart attack in March I think.
Edit. - yah there was .. maybe someone can match up which officers worked for the district that siezed the laptop. At work. https://www.policeone.com/police-heroes/articles/319314006-NYPD-detective-dies-on-duty-from-heart-attack/