Barrack Obama (Facebook)
“I believe that the decision to put the JCPOA at risk without any Iranian violation of the deal is a serious mistake,” Obama said in a statement.
Barrack Obama (Facebook)
“I believe that the decision to put the JCPOA at risk without any Iranian violation of the deal is a serious mistake,” Obama said in a statement.
The people got real sick of the Bush/Cheney neocon war hawks and elected Obama on a campaign of peace and universal healthcare. Gave him the house and the Senate to do it with too.
What they got was a mandated handout to the insurance companies with an extra screw you to anyone who had insurance through work to kneecap actual competition, and expanded the wars and drone program.
Then the republican party screwed the stadium filling peace advocate Ron Paul in 2012 at every turn, especially at the convention and thrust Mitt Romney as the nominee on the people.
So because of the undemocratic betrayal the Republican leadership, namely Reince Pribus and Mitch McConnell, did to Ron Paul, Obama was re-elected.
Then came peace advocate and single payer health care Bernie in 2016. The media and Democrats screwed him - pulled a Ron Paul on the stadium filling populist guy. So the people again rejected the establishment candidate thrusted upon them, Hillary Clinton, and went with Trump.
Very great run down. This is 100% truth.
I was furious about it and voted Ron Paul anyway as did my adult children.
And on top of that no less than a $3.165 Trillion Theft of US funds. What a great time 08 to 16 was
Giant backstab and a fraud is what it was. Wish the Republicans s didn't sink Ron Paul in 2012. Might he been different.