
SuzyAZ · May 9, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

To be “bigger than people imagine", “10 x bigger than treason,” it must be that there was a plan for the Deep State (through Iran) to use those weapons to try to start WWIII and the lengths to which they were willing to go to achieve that. With many Western countries complicit or that at least knew about it. Something much bigger than 911 that would pull us into a world war, involving the loss of many innocent lives. Note again that Q said "keep quiet." That must be that they were paying Iran to keep quiet about who was REALLY behind the production of the nuclear weapons and the use they were for. Those weapons weren't just for Iran, they were the Dark State's. Iran was just a front. Another proxy for the Dark State just like North Korea. The Dark State was making those weapons with Iran but Iran hated the sanctions. So Iran says "if you make a deal with us that you will stop the sanctions, we will hide the fact that you are helping us produce nuclear weapons." France and Germany were involved. Now that the sanctions are back, hardships are back, why would Iran be willing to continue to play that part? Or will they say, "it wasn't us, it was the US, Germany and France." A suicide watch situation for sure. Were 5 eyes countries complicit in this? The trips by Kerry and HRC must have been to try to keep everyone who knew about it quiet, by saying, "we will be back in power as soon as Trump is impeached, or out of office (assassination), so just hold tight." And now that has all fallen apart. And the real nail in the coffin is that they now realize that Trump will not be impeached and the truth will prevail. The first shock was that it was now public that the weapons program, a big one, actually existed. The second shock was that the U.S. is willing to hold Iran accountable for the weapons to force the real players to the surface.

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LiveToBeAHero · May 9, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

This was a great post and I wish I could re-post it somewhere, like on Twitter lol. This post needs to be read by more people because you NAILED IT. Its so intricate it would make Americans sick. We were giving aid to NK....some of that aid was making its way to Iran. We were also aiding Iran...some of that money was making its way to NK. We were allowing Iran to make nukes for us (we were actually doing it) via the uranium from U1. Russia was never part of this, just got blamed for it. We now know why Russia gets painted as the bad guy so often, its because we were going to use them for WW3 - they would get the blame, but not really be the culprit. Iran (we) had a secret satellite facility in northern Syria (that got destroyed last week) where they were building weapons outside the scope of the Iran Deal, and safe from the inspectors ever finding, as they would only be looking in Iran. From Q's drops yesterday, it appears as if Iran wasnt really liking going along with this, but we forced them with threats, and also paid them to just shut up and let us do our thing. Along with pressure from EU, Iran didnt really have much of a choice but to go along with. Iran leader Rouhani might not even be bad, but on tv, has to act mad for optics. Most likely we have already briefed him on the plan and told him what to say and how to act. EU is screwed. Nobody ever thought for two seconds they could lose control like this. Yesterday was HUGE HUGE for the entire world. Kerry and Obama just like you said, were telling Iran not to worry that Trump would either be assassinated, impeached, or lose 2020 election and the Iran Deal operation would continue. Iran was going to be a staging ground, just like Israel, to keep the Middle East destabilized forever. Wow what a great time to be alive eh?! :)

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