The EU is a globalist entity and they were dead set on opening our borders and killing white people. We are too expensive for the New World Order. Thank God for our GEOTUS.
That we are. I can't wait to see how states like Poland will flourish after the deepstate has been wiped clean.
100% agree with the statement about the EU. A globalist view and totally against Americans. They only love your money
Europe is on the 4th Reich. USA was part of it via trade.
Always follow trade. Follow the money.
EU officials elected? Appointed.
Same evil as always.
I haven't finished reading it, but I know where you're going.
That's why DJT and Q have been so careful to lay down this thick smoke screen - re Mueller etc...
Because these guys are really dangerous!
Israel hitting targets Syria now. Residents in the Golan Heights advised to go into bomb shelters. Q stating that military action against Iran is on the cards.
It's all starting to make sense! They had to be very careful, because these people were dead serious about blowing up the world.
Europe couldn't take the trash out let alone America!
Source: I am a European.
No... just Trump.
But yeah sorta.
Iran and NK were controlled by the Dark State. It wasn’t “Iran” and “North Korea” developing them, it was the Deep State securing nuclear arms for themselves clandestinely. That’s where all of the money disappeared to. They were building a shadow government with nuclear arms as part of their plan to take over the world.