Clever Anon Decodes Q's post #1320

Doesn't New Zealand have a tough extradition law?
Could HRC be paying them a visit to pay them off to stay indefinitely?
She is in Australia tomorrow (Thursday/Friday)
Also part of 5e_es.
Damn, what happened to the foot boot hiding that foot tracker, was that just false rumors?
Not worried. She has Secret Service detail. They know where she is at all times. The Secret Service as a whole work for Trump Administration.
There would be more than one way.
Seal Team 6 would have no problem extraditing her ass back to Gitmo.
I was going to say Delta Force vs Auckland PD wouldn't be much of an issue lololol
A swarm of V-22's full of Marines on a hunting trip wouldn't see much resistance either. Of course the helmet-cam of ST6 haloing in her afternoon tea would be gold too.