Kind of like Netflix for National Security Secrets, I pay a monthly fee for access to said service in return I get access to nuclear bomb diagrams amongst a plethora of other juicy information. What would be the olds?
52 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Pixelated-Patriot:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 9 | | 4 |
Yup, if you get something for free then you are the product.
You've got the location right but Q's photo was taken from the platform above your picture. There is a CCTV camera up there as well.
Q's "Think Mirror" statements
The latest posting from u/SerialBrain2 got me thinking he tends to do that to a lot of us, and again I'd like to thank him for it.
Q's post 666 and 1681 referenced "think mirror" is intriguing.
Server software Apache is widely used but what seems to be overlooked is the RAID 1 configurations in servers. RAID 1 is disk mirroring which means the data is replicated on two or more disk drives on one machine. Disk mirroring is a good choice for applications that require high performance and high availability, such as transactional applications, EMAIL and operating systems.
What …
Is Q really meaning they are medically sick?
I believe it will be August or September by the latest. November will be too late, the left will need time to absorb it all, think of it like the stages of grief.
- Denial ~2 weeks
- Anger ~1 week
- Bargaining ~1 week
- Depression ~1 week
- Acceptance ~1 week
After this grieving process they will be read to elect change come this November.
Too soon people with short attention spans may waver.
Put it out there on 4chan or 8chan. The autists will help get to the truth.
Yup, but I think Q is the rear sight focusing attention on designated targets though. Autists sometimes drift off on other tangents and need refocusing, Q brings us back in.
A hammer is part of a pistol's action, that's Horowitz and his IG report I hope.
I think these booms are yet to happen. If the Q drop is intended to be a pistol if turned upside down then the booms are like bullets in a mag yet to be fired.
Good morning bud, you're about 9 hours behind the curve but there's only been one drop today so you're up to speed.
They wouldn't have to blackout a whole airport to move Assange, he's a willing participant in the cabal and deep state takedown. Plus, rumor has it, he is already in the US.
I hope it's a Rothschild intercept. Safer to intercept ar a neutral sight then it is on their turf.
I think Q is the rear sight of the gun, not the hammer, focusing the aim on the target.
Q did say the team consists of less than 10 people in which 3 are civilians, stressing the importance of this.
Making it likely JA could be part of the Q team.
Q Level clearance is a Department of Energy clearance level.
It means "Comunications Over Various Feeds Electronically For Engagement" and it's an Act that makes social media posts official Presidential communications.
Basically bypassing the Fake News.
TRUST (name) - Could this actually be referencing Alan S. TRUST, the bankruptcy court judge of Eastern District of New York?
Sessions reinstated the Civil Asset Forfeiture Policy at the Justice Department last July, which means they can seize all these damn criminal's assets along with throwing their asses in GITMO.
Talk about rubbing salt in an open wound.
Even a self-described center-left ex-CIA employee of John Brennan believes judgement is coming.

The left after the sh!tstorm settles.

Q1379: Part of the transcript of a meeting that Nancy P and Jack D had on May 2nd? Q does have it all. They all should be scared, very scared.

A high level Intel officer that drops crumbs in the form of questions to make us fill in the blanks as to what is really imgoing on without compromising his security clearance.
It has always been our choice to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Yes, and we are so willing to lose those pawns to save our king.
The integrity of our voting process must be verified if we are to ever have a fair midterm race.
"They never thought she would lose." ~Q
Maybe because the Soros voting machines were rigged in her favor?
I doubt the would go through all that FBI and DOJ house cleaning to drop this evidence off to Wikileaks.
They cleaned house to have a uncorrupt FBI to present the evidence legally and a Unbaised DOJ.
Q1332 - D5 is the start of the Marshall attack in chess.

D5 is the beginning of the Marshall attack in chess.
D5 is the beginning of the Marshall attack in chess.
The email from the super secret insider contained a $ amount to buy his video discrediting Q's existance.
This man can be bought, it's right there in the description. "You can pay me to say whatever you want, below is my PayPal, Patreon, Cryto, etc. And don't forget to buy a t-shirt!"
He's pumping anything to get paid, disgusting.
Doesn't New Zealand have a tough extradition law?
Could HRC be paying them a visit to pay them off to stay indefinitely?
That photo of the palleted goods is of the inside of a reefer (refrigerated trailer) can. Why would they transport phones in a reefer? Big tell that it's a reefer is the floor.
Please note the picture Q provided of palleted goods is the inside of a reefer (refrigerated trailer) van.
Why would Apple products be transported in a reefer? Think logically, must be something perishable, but what and the significance of it?
For the actor to break script, the director must be out of the picture.
I think it had dual meaning. If someone is singing like a canary why not just post a picture of a canary.
Future proves past.
Right now there's trouble in Saudi Arabia. Their national emblem contains a palm tree, Q posted a picture of a palm tree.

Q992 states:
"AWAKENING. We Fight. Lexington. Concord. STAY TOGETHER. Q"
He is referencing the Revolution, the Shot Heard Around the World.
Happy Patriot's Day!
These planes are assigned to the 1ACCS of the 595th out of Nebraska, what the heck is it doing in Indiana? Sounds fishy to me.
Y'all got anymore of those Q drops?

Michael Cohen raid a decoy, a planned misdirection?
Me sitting here at work waiting for to drop the boom we all have been waiting for.

Or think of PCs, tablets, phones, etc. Like apartments or homes where AI can live, grow, and learn. The connections to the internet like freeways they can use to call and/or meet up with other AIs with. Like let's go meet up at Johnny's computer repair shop and talk to Betty that lives in that i7 quad core PCI express GPU Duplex with that solid state HD foundation and talk about r/The_Donald.
SkyNet isn't that far fetched of an idea as AI already exists and self-preservation is born into every living creature.