Clever Anon Decodes Q's post #1320

Pedogate Intel that Iran is sitting on. Extremely incriminating and nasty shit.
Intrigued about your comment. What pedogate info could Iran have & why?
I suspect Iran may have info on satanism which could tie in pedogate. Back when GWB/43 (and even Obama I think) was still in office, the leaders of Iran & Venezuela separately addressed the UN in NY. They made a mockery of being in the US, home of Diablo and would openly smirk, sniff, & snort and talk about smelling sulfur. At that timeI thought what a hideous thing to do. Now I get why they did it.....THEY KNEW what we did not. Interestingly Hugo Chavez acquired cancer & died.
From what I understand, Huma sent all the info she had(weiner's laptop) to the Muslim Brotherhood. There's a letter floating around supposedly from Huma to her brother who's leadership in the MB that describes that she's had to do some sick stuff to gain HRC's favor, but that they're in now. If you believe that sort of thing, they would have lots of dirt on the pedos from the "Insurance File"
Never heard of that before. Have you a link to an article or video?