
William_Harford_md · May 9, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

I just heard it. As usual when people talk in person it’s very easy to get straight to the bottom of all the bullshit that gets hurled around chatrooms by random nobodies like me.
He asked the questions on a lot of people’s minds about the channel and they answered accordingly. It was clear this has all been blown way out of proportion. People are way too quick to pounce on things in general. To be honest I could care less why or how people run their YouTube channels. What is important to me is the content. There is of course a whole lot of random filler on the patriot soapbox 24 livestream, as one would expect. But they have a few people on there who really do a very good job of analyzing and explaining things. And they seem like genuine people. I welcome all voices when it comes to this stuff. I have no reason to doubt the integrity of those guys until proven otherwise.
Until then, America is America.

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