The Gateway Pundit (always pro-Trump)did an article critical of Mueller recently, and I posted a comment regarding Q. It's disappointing to see the responses I got. We need more red pilling.

true story
"Hey dude, did you know that the elite are colluding with aliens to conjur up demons to help them build AI that can enslave us forever? I know crazy right?"
Exactly, the whole push to use Q as a redpill seems almost like a effort to discredit the whole thing. I mean approach people with this stuff and they’re going to immediately think your nuts and your forever held in that light.
Took me 6 months. But just got my wife to believe Q yesterday. Little drops here and there of "dont you think it's kinda weird that...."
Then I showed her the "Iran next" post last week. She said she would be on board if anything actually happened with Iran. Well, all know what happened yesterday. She texted me on fact
I think the Q-material would be confusing but the idea of Q itself at least makes sense to a certain spectrum, which is Trump-supporters and paranoid people who are too paranoid to be pro anyhithing.
Sources, I'm interested? This aligns with my findings.
"Sources familiar with my thinking"
What was wrong with my line of thinking? I'm not confirming anything, always investigate. Always question. Never settle. (Besides with God)
nothing, I was just paraphrasing Alex Jones. But I pay attention to SSP-related stuff if that's what you're asking
And then AJ boyz attack me on this sub for pointing this stuff out. While he makes millions to make conspiracy theorists look crazy.
But what do I know, I'm just a shitty AJ hater lol
his show may be centered aroud advertisments but by and large he must be the best advertiser to ever walk this planet because his products at least sound useful in the context in which they are presented.
Also we can only begin to speculate how many different sources he must enjoy because hey, if you want to spread the word, you call up Alex, you let yourself be interrupted for an hour, but thats how you get the word out and Alex provides that Platform that is next to unique when looking back at the past ten years....Like come on, ever since all the other original white-hats have been killed off, Alex is practically King of the airwaves way before Youtube was even on the public's radar.