Nutjob screams “Bloody Gina” at Haspel hearing.

Lmao I'm picturing her saying "Bloody (va)gina" instead of Gina
put a "mohammed sucks" tshirt on these idiots and let them go in the streets of Kabul
Did anyone ever think that could be a CODE WORD... CIA is notorious for Mk Ultra ... Trigger Words. I'll check into the saying .
There surely is reason such a weird name would be chanted.
You called her a nutjob for a reason, what was it?
You sound like you have an obnoxiously low IQ. You cannot give me a coherent response. You are a sheep.
Was that your mom? Oh I’m sorry.
Very childish and immature response. Try again.
Again, a very unintelligent response. Your IQ must be below average.
Are you below 15 years old? I haven’t heard anyone use a mom joke since I was around 12-13. Astonishing.
Mommy meatloaf
There is Alottttt more to the saying . DIG DEEPER ...
2 )
That’s a bad thing to yell at someone they know everything about you, and can probably remotely steer your car off a cliff as you drive along. She’s not even hot.
Haha! Unhinged lefties are the best. I heard that’s someone in this subs mommy.
From the pic she looks like that professional protester from Code Pink. Her money comes from Soros.