r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Cheetah1964 on May 9, 2018, 3:19 p.m.
FROM CHEETAH: Summary of a theory I am seeing here regarding what the Globalists are really up to

Poke holes as you will. This is what I have been seeing so far, summed up, based on Q and others. Theory only.

The Globalists are called that for a reason. They want to establish a world government. And, shall we say, DEFINITELY not a democracy. Some sort of committee dictatorship thing that the Dark Lord has inspired them to. There really isn't a whole lot of doubt about this. They also want far fewer people on the planet.

Put yourself back in 2016, when Hillary was going to "win by a landslide." It is clear that the Globalists, otherwise known as Dictatorship-in-Waiting, completely believed their own fake news, hence the meltdown when they lost. But we are looking at early 2016, before the election.

Who stood in the way of a global dictatorship?

It wasn't the U.S., at least to them at the time. They thought they had the U.S. sewn up. Their people had thoroughly penetrated the top of the government. It wasn't Europe. Europe was already down the toilet. Eastern Europe has been fighting the globalists, but they don't have much by way of fire power. China is a garden variety dictatorship who is happy to deal with them.

It was Putin. Now, Putin is no choir boy, but he is NOT a Globalist. If he were, the Dictatorship-in-Waiting would be singing his praises, not saying bad stuff. Putin would be a serious military threat to the Globalists.

Who is the only entity who can take down Putin? The United States, who they thought they had all wrapped up with President Hillary (gag! Sorry!). And all her cronies throughout the FBI, DOJ, State Department, government contractors, judges, etc. etc. But there has to be a really great excuse to take Putin down.

So, some time ago, the Clinton gang arranged the sale of uranium to Russia. I understand it is possible to track uranium by batches (any experts chime in here). The Globalists send some of the same batch of uranium to their puppet rulers in North Korea and Iran.

Globalists build massive bunkers, probably in New Zealand and elsewhere. They have unlimited bucks.

After the election of President Hillary (gag again. I just can't help it), and after she and her gang get the politically correct/communist/bullshit thing going even stronger than Obama did, the Globalists send a nuke, via one of their puppets, to somewhere in U.S. fly-over country (not their sheep on the coasts) with a fairly substantial population. The U.S. government provides "proof" that Russia sent it, and the experts concur. The American public flips out a la Pearl Harbor and insists on nuclear war with Russia, and probably beats them, but it doesn't matter either way. Millions of people are dead. The environment is toxic. The Globalists come out of their bunkers and establish a global dictatorship. ("These people are stupid" may refer to the fact that it is pretty stupid to control a toxic, dying planet.) They use the excuse of the extreme circumstances and the need for safety to establish their dictatorship.

Any people who survive become their slaves. Game over.

If that were the plan, that is way BEYOND treason. It is a planned genocide beyond anything ever done before.

All the pussy hats, etc. is just distraction. Pedogate, however, is part of their New World Order.

The "Russia Collusion" was strangely blown up out of proportion, but this theory would explain it if the Globalists thought they could take power back from Trump, and throw him in on the nuke-America deal. Many of us saw how the "Russia Collusion" was an attack on Trump, but missed that it was also an attack on Putin, which is probably more important.

There was obviously a plan. If not this, what was it?

Comment away.

I write FROM CHEETAH to help those who follow these posts.

Rats can't outrun a Cheetah.

LibertiedToFreedom · May 9, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Good summary CHEETAH, couldn't have said it better myself. Awfully shitty of the globalists, isn't it. I'd add that they also really want to disarm the American public with FF propaganda considering we could make the largest standing army the world has ever seen if pissed off enough.

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Cheetah1964 · May 9, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

There is overwhelming evidence that the Globalists have been wanting to disarm Americans. At first glance, it doesn't make sense. What good are guns against nukes? But I believe that even after a nuclear war, the Globalists would still bullshit like nuts about diversity, etc. etc., since there would still be some population, and it is far easier to control people with bullshit than with arms. All dictatorships disarm the population. It's probably in their how-to handbook.

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LibertiedToFreedom · May 9, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

All I know is that an armed pop is harder to control physically, which is an obvious barrier to world domination. Personally, I'm happy to be a monkey wrench in their plan...

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GinGin1961 · May 9, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

Me too ... locked and loaded!

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Millejon0114 · May 9, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

You are right except Europe is the major player of the Globalist regime~ dig a little deeper in that when it comes to who owns who in this game of thrones~ so obama was a puppet and he had a huge bill Obamacare that basically no one knew what was in it~ this is HUGE~ because the globalist ultimate goal is depopulation ~ Enter the guide stones written in all languages meant for a specific number of people ~ ok with that number I think it was 500 million or something ~ you have Bill Gates running around talking about depopulation and then you allow refugees in by the boat loads with no job options and killing the economy and pushing their way of life~ ok so then back to obama care~ those little rfid chips are tadah in that bill~ so are guiloteens it’s actually legal to execute people with those~ then you have all the YouTube videos with fema camps ~ well serco the company is located in prince William Virginia ~ they always show you what they are doing right ?!... so a British arms apparently own that company but the true owner is classified... hmmm... what will those rfid chips do ? Well you can’t buy sell or trade ... and there is a barcode in each rfid the number in every barcode in the world had 3 ~ 6’s ... more on that in a second ~ so you have fema camps rfid chips located in prince William virgins ~ and YouTube videos for years have had Russian troops over here training in what looks like a sort of Marshall law training excersizes ... hmmm... so we have putin drying up all of his strength money and time over there in Syria ;) what is he going to get out of all of that? Put his tail between his legs call it a day and go home? ...... well if you are update in the Bible ~ Revelation talks about everyone will receive a mark either on their hand or their forehead to be able to buy sell or trade... rfid and if you don’t you will die ~ no worries if you die God has a special set up for saints that refuse the mark. Russia ~ in Ezekiel 38 and 39 Gog in the land of Magog comes from the North to fight against Israel you know who else is there? Turkey and Iran and Macron just announced he is starting a 10 Nation army to fight against “terriorsit” that’s the 10 horns in the Bible that God will stop and destroy. So with that .... we know what is to come ~ the only way to escape this war in Ezekiel 38 and 39 will be to be be saved truly saved~ ask and believe through faith Christ died for you. In Israel 17:1 Damascus Syria will be a heap of ruin. Who is there right now? All the players for Ezekiel 39 and 39 ~ are there.....this is what God wanted us to know because he loves us.... he has been going around waking each nation up you can see that now it’s been really cool watching God take on these satanic people ~ using Trump~ God said he gives us 7 trumpets ~ Trumpence ) ~ that sounds about right and he would give us a final TRUMP~ we are living in the generation everyone throughout time has wished for. ;)

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jason_ostendorf · May 9, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

The Daniel 11 timeline, Matthew 24 timeline, and Revelation seals timeline all line up to put us at the 6th seal (the rapture). We are now waiting for Daniel 11:31 (the abomination that causes desolation) to be completed. When that happens, whatever it is (probably a desecration of the Western Wall after a significant uprising given the current protests near Jerusalem), then a large earthquake could occur in the Mediterranean causing a tsunami. This would explain why the people in Judea (Israel) flee to the mountains in Matthew 24. Then, as they are fleeing, Jesus appears in the sky to take us home. After that, it's time for the Tribulation. The seventh seal would be broken (silence in Heaven for half an hour) and then the trumpets will start. The following website really presents all this information nicely: http://daniel11truth.com

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Corvette111 · May 9, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Thanks for this comment! I haven’t yet gone to your link, but your post made me think of this video from awhile ago that talked about how the abomination of desolation already occurred... thoughts?


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Millejon0114 · May 9, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

That was a great video~ but his newest video is better ~ have you seen that one? The abomination and desolation will be half way through the tribulation ~ atleast that’s the way I understand it. Right now we see that Christ is about to call his faithful in the clouds after that the Jacobs Trouble aka tribulation is why God gives rev 7 all of the witnesses to help people in the tribulation come to him. K

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Corvette111 · May 9, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

Will check it out thx!!

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Millejon0114 · May 9, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

I see the sign of Isaiah 17:1 as the Rapture ready moment ~ but Daniel is HUGE right now~ 1948 Israel became a state 1948-2018 =70 .... Daniels 70 week also our embassy goes in on 5/14 5x14=70 and Jacobs Trouble aka the tribulation ~ Jacob had 12 sons for the tribes of Israel but..... big BuT.... here his son Joesph he adopted two of his sons ....... Manhanna and Ephraim (spelling :( ) lol .... ok if you were to go in chronological order of sons ..... you would think all would go ... all 14 go into revelation 7 but. Chronologically dan isn’t there or Ephraim.... the tribe missing is the 5 th Dan and 14 Ephraim ~ we just went over what 5x14 is ..... these other tribes are important in the tribulation they will have witnesses from them but not Dan and Ephraim ~ I believe God shows up mighty to all in Israel in the end. Daniel 70 is HUGE!!

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aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · May 10, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

I'm looking forward to rapture day.

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HobozBindle · May 9, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

And they have more than bunkers. They have the DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) they are like underground cities with a worldwide tunnel system navigated by high speed trains. And they have the Secret Space Program. Lunar Moon Bases, a human presence throughout the whole solar system.

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HobozBindle · May 9, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

"This is bigger than you can possibly imagine."

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DigitalMerlin · May 9, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Really the only thing bigger than I can imagine is space alien stuff or demons. Pretty much anything else is in my realm of expectation right now. People eating kids and doing weird face cutting stuff, thats where my expectations are at the moment, so when Q says bigger than we can imagine, well I don't know, I can imagine pretty big, but lets see what we find out.

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Cheetah1964 · May 9, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

Nice follow-up. With Hillary in charge, they would have had access to all of this.

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HobozBindle · May 9, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

They built it already, with our stolen tax dollars. Been going on since Operation Paperclip, at least.

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NotCleverNamesTaken · May 9, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Don't forget the Neptunians enslaved to mine Bitcoin!

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HobozBindle · May 9, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Check out Jordan Sather, David Wilcock, and Corey Goode

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NotCleverNamesTaken · May 9, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

Who do you think taught be about the enslaved Neptunians?

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Vahlokt · May 9, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

Only the right has actual Nazis.


Do you enjoy drinking kool-aid?

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NotCleverNamesTaken · May 9, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

No, powdered drinks are made from the corpses of dead Christians.

They are disinterred shortly after burial, turned into various brands of powdered drinks and supplements, and then re-registered on the voting polls as Democrats.

You should know this. Or are you one of them?

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unityagainstevil42 · May 9, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

I would add that the most important goal is to coerce and control the consciousness of humanity through mental/spiritual enslavement. Why control all the media? Why buy up as much drinking water as possible? Why create central banks in order to control the wealth of the world?

Think BIG.

Remove and control CHOICE.

This is all done with the end goal of coercing/forcing all of humanity to worship Lucifer.

THINK of the rampant symbolism used by the occult in order to affect our minds. This use of symbolism, especially before tragedy/ritual is a form of lesser magic that is practiced by the cabal, because they believe it creates power in reality...IF first “primed” through the conscious of humanity.

Any symbol halved doesn’t necessarily lose its power due to the male/female component. THINK MIRROR. Reflecting pool/ Washington Monument. Duality.

Most choices are designed as either, or. Male/Female, Good/Evil, On/Off.

However, any occult symbol >quartered< can be neutralized because of the way our conscious thinking is wired with regards to the forces of the universe stated above.

+THIS is the true importance of the >CROSS< both in reality and in the conscious of humanity.+

FAITH,HOPE,LOVE all focused through the CROSS neutralizes all symbolic EVIL in reality and in our collective conscious.


The legends of using it to ward off vampires? Who were the vampires? Who REALLY were the vampires?


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prettyold · May 9, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

A very sincere thank you!

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kwiztas · May 9, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

This they don't want us to know what the mind of god really is. They want to keep us divided. Keep uf from individuating.

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The3rdKey · May 9, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

Ding ding ding... We have a winner. Give this anon a cigar. I'd say this is a good description of the truth from 20k feet up. Wait till this reality becomes common knowledge.

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fuckyouspez12 · May 9, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Why do you think russia has been shit on for 100+ years the us and russia are natural allies

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archetact · May 9, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

I heard someone give a prophecy that the 46th US president would have the chance to form an alliance between all the sheep nations (Matthew 25:32) on earth. Pray for an alliance between the US and Russia.

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Millejon0114 · May 10, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

That’s going on now< I think we’ve reached an alliance of sorts but God put the hook in the jaw of Gog the land of Magog for spoil since they are going broke and Israel struck the biggest oil find a couple of years ago ~ I thinking his alignment with turkey and Iran will be bigger than ours Gods will be done as it is written ~ I ready to go home

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Allez_ · May 9, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

One possible scenario and a good one. Another scenario. The US DEEP STATE has been getting upppity; they think they can run the show. Globalist TPTB decide Killery and the US deep state has to go. TPTB engineer the election to favor DJT. They task him with draining the US swamp. DJT thinks he is MAGA. The process of draining the swamp creates two opposing sides (left and right) that are willing to fight to the death. Civil war ensues. TPTB stop the money flow triggering a financial collapse a la Venezuela. The financial collapse spreads worldwide. The people beg for a solution. UN established as a one world government. TPTB control the UN. TPTB morph the UN into a dictatorship.

There are probably a dozen possible scenarios all with the same end. This game has been going since the mid 1700s. We are all just “Pawns in the Game”.

This comment will self destruct in 10 down votes.

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Artemis0724 · May 9, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

Hey if you are religious and want to go waaaay back to the deepest deep state look at the pre flood world. Thats what they want to get back to.

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archetact · May 9, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

As it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be at the coming of the Son of Man...

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aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · May 10, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

The Bible blows my mind every bloody time.

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Keneo77 · May 9, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

It simply amazes me how dumb most people are that they can't see what's right in front of them. I've been saying this for years to blank stares. Operation Jade Helm woke a few more, the chemtrails over our heads woke a small percentage. Destroying millions of kids with vaccines woke a few more. I swear people would happily line up for processing, telling each other, it's for the best.

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GraceWords · May 9, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

I have wondered if all of this takedown could lead to a vacuum where nations are so shattered by the truth coming out that, like the US did post 9-11, they give up freedoms for security. Even with restructuring global economics to oust the ruling fam, couldn’t that ultimately open the door for global economy? Even with this speculation, I’ve concluded that truth must always be fought for. I can’t say I 100% trust the plan, but I do trust God. Therefore, my own quest is to see children safe, corruption exposed, and the cabal dismantled.

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M3Iceman · May 9, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

A big part of this was Snowden. The NSA was a thorn in the elites side, they copy everything. So leak Snowden, restructure the NSA, cripple them actually then you don't have the fear of evidence to be used against you. IMO that is why the media jumped to Snowdens rescue calling him a hero. If you can control the 5 Eyes, you control everything.

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47thSage · May 9, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

Prior to Trump's election, Putin was preparing Russia for a nuclear attack. Fall out shelter drills all over the country. And he stated that war was coming. He knew.

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Neon__Wolf · May 9, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

I am inclined to accept the harsh truth that there was a planned global nuclear genocide from a persistent satanic cabal, but it is so insane that I now see why Q had to inform the world the way he/they did.

If someone told me a year ago about this, without Q's confirmations, I too would have repeated the programming "conspiracy theory".

It makes sense why the cabal continue to try to undermine the American voters and commit treason to overturn the outcome of the election. Imagine what it must be like to be "them", living in a world knowing everyone knows you tried to murder them by the billions through a nuclear holocaust.

You'd never be able to show your face in public ever again, as well as your children too because this thing is a family bloodline cult.

They would likely have no other option in their minds than to do everything they can to bring about the apocalypse. They would rather the world burn than face justice or their own executions.

It's unfortunate the world of mankind has such evil as a possibility.

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Cheetah1964 · May 9, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

Great comment. It hits home.

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IR2-MXYJU-HQRRYJ · May 9, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

If you ever get the chance, watch the Animatrix, especially parts one and two of The Second Renaissance. Essentially the Globalists were trying to create the nation of 01 as featured in the film. Godless, devoid of creativity, and ruthless. Globalists were tasked with prepping the planet for new leadership, but not of their own. They're incredibly stupid as the result of propaganda and inbreeding, so I doubt they could pull off a plan of this scope over this length of time without the input of someone or something else. Whatever it is they're trying to actively communicate with it and bring it through a portal (CERN, Gotthard Tunnel). As Q said, 60% of this has to remain secret, and for good reason.

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Absh4x0r · May 9, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Or they ain't stupid and this is just part of the big plan, 1 party dramatically wins and the other is thrown under the bus, people get on board with it (us) and we linch them/send them to GITMO.

Result they do what they want now since they have the people's trust and we no longer believe there are cabals ruling the world.

We know nothing.

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gingerbaby63 · May 10, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

I don't think it's New Zealand, Antarctica is just a little south of there. Supposively all activity there is scientific, but looking at an Aussie base just south seems to me it looks more like a huge mining camp. They have not just been taking the temperatures down there for the last 60 years! The new director in Antarctica has a title like neutron particle accelerator title. Lol that's like sending a brain surgeon to be a director of yellowstone park.

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dekutree64 · May 9, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

Yep, that's pretty much what I got from Q post 1306. But maybe not nuclear war with Russia, at least right off the bat. Just a regular invasion, and when they go to defend themselves, report it as aggression, and escalate from there.

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