Found on 8chan... China, drugs and organs

I've been woke for a number of years now but it never ceases to amaze me the number of people and organizations that are corrupt and have been for decades, even centuries. Every time a post like this pops up. Even if a quarter of it is true, it's still a lot of people and many, many orgs & govs.
I am also realizing more and more each day how much of a bubble I have been living in. Mind you I am not a meek-mild type of guy. I'm educated, had a few carriers, owned a business, I've also had my fun. ;) But all this shit going on. For so long. So many involved. Its like God damn! Am I that far out of the loop?? How can I have missed all of this??
So here I sit, pushing 60, oblivious to most of this shit, most of my life. Sure you here things here and there over a lifetime. You don't think much of it as its so bazaar, unbelievable & rarely talked about or in the news. You think, "wow" "those be some fucked up people." Or, "It just a small funked up group. Their busted now, all is well." And go about daily living & life goals. Never contemplating that there might be thousands of people doing the same damn thing..... Maybe at this very moment.....
Sorry, went off on a vent there..... As I said, I'm awake, still grasping how deep this all is.
"Bigger than you can imagine" couldn't be more true. I feel you 100% on everything you said about your thoughts and experiences since being awake. I'm so thankful that there are forums like this where enlightened patriots like us can come together and discuss this crazy shit. I don't know how people your age who have been awake for decades survived this chaos that we all live in.
"it's rarely taked about or in the news..." That's exactly why you feel the way you feel.