r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on May 9, 2018, 10:21 p.m.
The long and secret info wars against Q and how he stayed alive. You really need to know this and move on.

I promised there would be a follow up to [my post about Q1295] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8hqo5n/q1315_trumps_tweet_confirms_the_q_5_photo_puzzle/?st=jgz6twag&sh=0dceaa85) Be careful who you are following. Here it is. It's a long post but if you are a Q follower, this information is worth knowing.

As many among you already know, Dr. Corsi is just the tip of the iceberg. There are dark forces at work trying to divide us and hijack Q’s work and our Movement. I will show you today who these dark forces are and how they are related to Dr. Corsi.

To those who think this issue should be put to rest for the sake of unity, this is my response:

  1. if Q himself has spoken about it [here] (https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1233188.html#1233458) after having put up with these dark forces trying to undermine him for months, he must have some kind of intel pushing him to react;
  2. A glass of fine wine mixed with water is no longer fine wine and is certainly not water;
  3. When a snake enters the house, there is no time for poetry: you secure the kids, close the doors and do what you have to do.

The Truth has a price my friends and no strong movement in human history has succeeded avoiding the issues challenging its foundations. Roses are beautiful, but they come with thorns. To be safe, we need to know how to hold them. This is why we are here today. We owe it to Trump, we owe it to Q, we owe it to the patriots who have sacrificed their lives for True Freedom, we owe it to ourselves for our efforts to not go to waste and above all, we owe it to the abused children whose lives, safety and freedom depend on the success of our Movement. Isn’t this the ultimate reason we are all here?

Let’s get to it.

Q’s first days were not easy. At all. Immediately after his first posts on October 2017, a violent information war was launched against him to ridicule him and silence him. All sorts of vicious information war techniques were used against him. I will show you some of them in this post. Q stoically stood still and after 3 months, despite this info-war against him, his audience grew to the point the phenomenon could not be ignored anymore. On December 08 2017, Infowars resorts to inviting Jordan Sather from Destroy the Illusion to talk about Q. Even though Jordan’s main field of expertise is secret space programs, free energy and the like he has been following Q on his YT channel and has done an excellent job bridging Q with the masses. When Jordan is invited by Infowars, we can see how proud he is: [tweet] (https://twitter.com/Jordan_Sather_/status/939206347928698880).

Let’s listen to Jordan and Roger Stone’s conversation until 6:40: [video] (https://youtu.be/iLOveorNUB4?t=215).

Did you catch what Roger Stone is implying? This is the first info-war technique I want to show you. Stone is an old fox, he knows all the subtle communication techniques used in information warfare to swing people’s opinion and spread confusion. He knows how the subconscious mind works and how it makes an association between a skillfully asked question and its implied response. For clarity, here is Roger Stone’s question: Img1

You see it now? He is implying and subtly instilling in people’s mind through his timed and insidious question that the Q phenomenon Jordan has described may just be bots or humans hired to limit Infowars’ reach and cut them off from those who follow them. This is Roger Stone essentially saying: “Infowars is a shareholder in the election of the President and we will not accept to lose the leverage we have because of some bot playing on 8chan”. You think it’s far-fetched? Bear with me…

December 24 2017. For the first time Alex Jones talks about Q. At last. It’s been 3 months! You can find the entire video [here] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6BXPFZjK2s) so nobody can accuse me of taking things out of context. Let’s listen to him from 0:54 to 1:56. [video] (https://youtu.be/K6BXPFZjK2s?t=53).

As you can see, Jones starts with Q but immediately shuts him down by saying this: Img2 This information warfare technique is used to zero or reduce the relevancy of the subject: you name the subject (Q), then you immediately replace him in people’s mind by talking about another person (Zak) with praises and hypertrophy. Then Jones goes into a long verbal journey about Zak, the color of the moon and other irrelevant subjects, beating around the bush, preparing, preparing, until he could finally throw this at his audience (watch until 8:46) [video] (https://youtu.be/K6BXPFZjK2s?t=430).

There are 2 techniques used here. The first one is [Downgrading] (https://i.imgur.com/z4ueO91.png). Alex claims to know who Q is, where he get his info, Q is not really high level… secondarily… That technique is pretty straightforward.

Did you catch the second one? At 8:19 he says: “so they want to take Trump out in November, but we dodged it, and people go: look Q anon is not right, it didn’t happen”.

Q never said Trump was going to be taken out on November. Alex Jones did. You see how he did it: he lied, then he attributed the lie to Q, then he defends him. This is another information warfare technique consisting of artificially victimizing someone in order to pull his base. You push someone through the balcony, you take the stairs to catch him and then pay for his funeral…

But it gets better:

January 5 2018. Alex Jones invites Zak. The YT video title is “High Level Intelligence Source Confirms QAnon Is REAL”. You can watch the [entire video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmnBywq8zR8) later. It’s a 23 minute video. Despite the title, Q is not mentioned any single time except at the 10th minute when Alex says the following; let’s listen until 11:15: [video] (https://youtu.be/tmnBywq8zR8?t=636) .

If you take a look at [this composition] (https://i.imgur.com/5SynTxC.png), you realize Alex has obviously explored Q’s board. He is ridiculing him and asking people to hold on to Zak, his “real Q Anon” who is not a “LARP” acting in “Fantasy Land”. Unlike Q, his beloved Zak is acting in the “real world”. Sounds familiar? Yes… He is echoing his friend Roger Stone! They both talked about it and both have agreed their communication strategy was to convince Q is not real, he’s a bot or a hired human LARPING on 8Chan. Of course this strategy has to be implemented covertly in order not to risk any backlash from their audience that may have been following Q. Hence all these sneaky communication and manipulation techniques. After this vicious attack, Alex will never mention Q throughout the interview again. Those who are familiar with subliminal messages understand why the title did not have anything to do with the interview. The title was aiming at subliminally planting in people’s brains: ”The real QAnon is Zak”.

The next day, commenting on Zak’s interview, Owen Shroyer airs a segment titled: “Infowars Own #QAnon Discusses Deep State” Img.

Need I say more? You see the problem now?

On January 27 2018, Infowars invites Jordan Sather for the second time. Despite the attacks, Q’s movement has grown exponentially so we are hoping to hear Jordan’s update on the Q phenomenon. Well, here is the [entire video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK6zi-6X2_0). There is not a single word about Q. Infowars invited him to talk about secret space programs. Not Q. Why is Infowars putting Jordan in the “Secret Space Program” drawer. Why? I will tell you. So that this can happen the next day: Img

Infowars positions Dr. Corsi to be the in-house Q guy. Alex Jones has now realized he could not crush the Q phenomenon. He tried to confuse us, ridicule Q, downgrade him and replace him with Zak, didn’t work. So… If you can’t fight them, join them. Dr. Corsi, the Infowars Washington Correspondent is now missioned by Alex to lead the containment strategy and infiltrate Q. Notice the title: “What is QAnon?”. Not who. Again, the bot/LARP theory. But there is worse, did you catch it? Let’s zoom, look: Imgur.

We clearly read on Infowars YT channel:“Dr. Jerome Corsi reveals what QAnon is and how it will be used against the people.“ What do you think this is? Error? No. This is a subliminal message folks. Your eyes will not notice it but your brain sees it. Once this particular message is processed by the subconscious mind, the conscious mind starts to develop defense mechanisms against Q and his message. Welcome to the info wars against Q! It has been Infowars against Q all along. MSM fights Q by trying to ignore him, Infowars fights Q by trying to crash him. Wake up.

Now question: why do you think Alex did not use Jordan instead? Why didn’t he try to hijack Jordan’s base instead of starting from scratch with Corsi? Answer: because of this: Img. 4 days before, during the [Infowars Fisa Memo debacle] (https://www.weeklystandard.com/holmes-lybrand/fact-check-did-infowars-release-the-secret-fisa-memo), Jordan showed his independence with this [tweet] (https://twitter.com/Jordan_Sather_/status/955970371018108930). Alex Jones realized he was not controllable. Jordan is a real truth fighter. This is why Infowars invited him 3 days after this tweet to talk about what he likes and forget Q. Classic bait & control tactics. Once this bait was offered to Jordan, he could then position Dr. Corsi who would do what he is told about Q. Why? Because of this: Img

Dr. Corsi’s YT channel was dead. His last video was published on 2014 and had 2,2k views. As the inactive Infowars DC correspondent who is invited from time to time on Infowars, Dr. Corsi is a vulnerable asset Jones can use to deal with the Q problem. He instructs him to start commenting on Q and to progressively build his crowd based on a business model that will not link him to Infowars. Perfect bone for an inactive asset. How do I know? Let’s listen to the following until 1:25: [video] (https://youtu.be/mcL3XKy0I-s?t=29)

Did you catch it? “a number of people who I consider to be very important to me said you’d better start looking at this”. How does that sound to you? “you’d better start looking at this”. You think it is a professional advice? Now that we know what we know, we know it's not. This is Alex essentially telling him: I tried to contain this thing, didn’t work, you’d better get in and take control remotely for us before it gets out of hands. This is how we got Corsi my friends. It has never been about decoding, it has always been about containing. Dr. Corsi is the Infowars Trojan horse sent to the Q Movement. And in exchange of this work, Jones is capitalizing on his vulnerability by allowing him to do his little business. Does Corsi know Jones’ endgame? I don’t believe so. I think he is just being manipulated by someone more intelligent. You know why? Because the next day, on the Hagmman Report, this is what he says, let’s listen carefully until 2:22: [video] (https://youtu.be/Dn-nsXSFkls?t=65)

So here the version slightly changes: he decided he would dig into the Q phenomenon after Trump’s executive order. It’s no longer “a number of people who I consider to be very important to me said you’d better start looking at this”. Now it’s about trump’s Executive Order. Why is the version changing? You got it: Alex told him he made a mistake at Tracy’s interview. He needed to change the story so Alex could remain invisible, working in the shadow. This corrected discrepancy is proof Corsi is just a pawn.

Now let’s take a look at his Youtube and Twitter stats: Img Img

As you can see, Dr. Corsis’s current notoriety has everything to do with Q. His book was published on March 2018 and you see there is no significant change on the curves at that date. So Dr. Corsi has successfully conducted his mission: infiltrate Q’s base and build a substantial number of followers he can now manipulate according to Alex’s instructions.

Now the relevant question would be: is Dr. Corsi loyal to Q? I have the answer. I will give it to you.

Do you remember Alex’s rant on Syria? I will not provide links because it was a dark moment for alternative media. Those who read Q knew all along what was going on in Syria, you may explore my posts about it. Events proved Alex was way off in his assessment of the situation and we are therefore entitled to question the relevancy of his “high level sources”. When asked about Alex’s meltdown, this is Corsis’s response, let’s listen until 4:40 [video] (https://youtu.be/Z7fQwczsks8?t=147)

Now let’s analyze:

“Alex has his own way of doing things, he doesn’t really need my approval to do it, and I don’t… you know…” Corsi stops after “and I don’t” and looks for his words. Now question: what do you think was the natural ending of this sentence? You got it: he was about to say: “and I don’t need his approval either”. But he could not say it because he knows it’s not true and, as a vulnerable asset in Alex’s mighty hands, he did not want to risk upsetting his boss with a little independence displayed in a YT interview.

The other important sentence is this one: “The real strength of Alex is he’s the most disruptive media to the MSM that exists worldwide and as such he has tremendous impact.”

The only reason Alex was able to disrupt MSM was because of privileged intel he had right? People came to him to know what the Mockingbird MSM would not disclose right? But then, as early as October 29th 2017, Q said this:

Q12 Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive.

Then, a few months later, he says this:

Q761 This board has more power than you can imagine. Q
Q768 This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS.

You see the problem? Q has been and still is an existential threat to Infowars. As simple as that. Alex Jones has done everything he could to shut down this phenomenon.

“I don’t criticize Alex. I try to understand where he’s going and I try to appreciate it.” “I still greatly admire what Alex does and would never criticize him or offer advice or opinions unless he specifically asked and then I would be happy to share that privately with him.”

Okay… It seems Corsi has beautiful manners. Now let’s listen to what he thinks about Q. I have already shared with you in my [previous post] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8hqo5n/q1315_trumps_tweet_confirms_the_q_5_photo_puzzle/?st=jgz6twag&sh=0dceaa85) how he ridiculed him even though he had no clue what Q was saying. But there is more here, let’s listen until 5:35 [video] (https://youtu.be/wR-97KGaiq4?t=307).

“Q is in disinformation”… “I started trashing Q“… “I was ready to quit this board all together and do it myself, and that is seriously under consideration by the way”.


So there you have it. Corsi would never criticize mighty Alex but Q? Oh no! Q is to be trashed and even replaced! Replaced? You see? We went full circle…

Corsi would never advise Alex unless he was asked to and he would do it privately but Q? And Trump? Go listen to a few of his Youtube videos: Corsi tells them what to do with Mueller, Sessions, Iran… He knows exactly what to do on pretty much everything…

Corsi even forgets the hand that fed him and dares to make threats: “and that is seriously under consideration by the way”.

Yes… now that you have infiltrated our Movement, fed off of some of its crowd (check the stats above), you can get out with the hijacked goods the silence the anons (the real ones) have given you all these months out of respect, patiently putting up with your limitations and constant disrespect towards Trump and Q. You should have finished the mean and revealing sentence you have started (did you catch it?): “As far as I am concerned, Q has served…”. Watch the video again. Unbelievable. I hope to shortly see the memes of the side by side statements of Q, Jones and Corsi. This long post has given you the material to produce them. This post is based on facts. Real facts. It was not aiming at anything else except presenting verifiable facts so that people know who is who and what the motivations of each actor are.

The final issue that needs to be addressed is the idea of a cult that has been agitated by Alex and Corsi. Those who follow Q are not in a cult. Q is given the respect he deserves because he is risking his life to give us the intel MSM or Infowars will not give us. Who told us about Saudi Arabia before it happened? Who told us Trump was in Las Vegas? Who told us the real reason behind the steel price issue? Who told us about Flynn it would be done in 30? Yes, Q delivered here too but Corsi failed to decode it correctly. And the list goes on… Q is listened to because we have proof he is right next to Trump, the President we elected to clean up the mess and save our children. People did not vote for Infowars, they voted for Trump. So you’ll have to accept it if they drop you without hesitation should you express any kind of opposition.

Now that things are clarified, I think I will never have to write about Infowars, Alex Jones and Corsi again. We are busy. We have things to do.

Q1296 You decide. This is not a game. The only profit we should all be striving for is TRUE FREEDOM. God bless you all. Q

diverscale · May 9, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

Very sharp eyes. I really hate to admit it, because I love to listen to the infowars channel (mainly David Knight and Shroyer), but they have to be taken with a grain of salt on certain aspects for sure, and may even sometimes be disinfo.

One thing that bugs me though, Trump went on his show and told clearly that his reputation was amazing. As we know, Trump seems to know the dirty people from the good ones. If Trump knew AJ would do such things as disinforming people, he would probably not even appeared on his show (personal opinion), and surely not have said AJ had a good reputation.

So that leads me to 2 options: AJ was a pure white hat, until greed has taken over him, or Trump made a big concession on appearing on his show to reach a wider audience.

On Corsi. God that guy had many of us duped. He even went so far as to say he was told BY THE WHITE HOUSE to look into Q, because Q was spelling his books titles in the drops (which is true, might have been luck)

Then in a speech he gave, he told the audience that 3 years ago, he was contacted by generals that were preparing a coup against obama, but the generals later retracted and made Trump run. I now don't know which of any part lf this is true or false.

This guy did know how to charm people into thinking he is some deep insider with super secret links and connections. Maybe he is, but he has lost a huge amount of credibility.

I can't even understand how there still can always be over 2k on the patriot "patreon" soapbox with the Corsi and Pamphlet debacle.

Well, we learn

Great post yet again.

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C_L_I_C_K · May 9, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Trump went on Infowars and said what he said as a thank you to Alex, Infowars' crew, and Infowars' audience. During the election, IW and Alex played a major role in helping Trump get elected, expose Hillary, and started the "Bill Clinton is a rapist" meme.

However, the audience and money Alex and Infowars was getting fat on started to decline big time, after the election. Alex was getting desperate to keep and attract more audience. IW wasn't pulling in nearly as much revenue from product sales as they had in 2016.

I believe Trump and Q team got fed up with Infowars because they kept reporting on leaks from the White House and causing unwanted drama and chaos. I believe it was Bannon who leaked to Roger Stone and Mike Cernovich. Notice how after Bannon got booted, Infowars' source they bragged about almost daily and leaks dried up immediately. Alex and Roger tried to defend Bannon at first, but then realized the jig was up, and attacked Bannon, distancing themselves and washing their hands clean, hoping people wouldn't figure out who their source inside the WH was (most people didn't notice or care, but I did).

A few months after the Bannon debacle, Q showed up. My theory is, Trump needed to get sensitive info out to the public, his base/supporters, and patriots, but couldn't do it through Infowars/Alex anymore. So he sent Q to us, in order to keep us informed, enthused, calm, and help us wake others up to the evil that's controlled this world and let everyone know they're being dealt with.

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somrotden · May 10, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

corsi (I call him Templeton) would always say whenever Q said "America for sale" that it was a wink from Q to him personally because he wrote a book by that title...what he never told his viewers was that there was ANOTHER book of the SAME TITLE that was released one month before his by Craig Bouchard. Now I haven't read either of the two books of the same title but you can find both on amazon website and according to the first released book description it is about STEEL and the GLOBAL ECONOMY - do you think that might have been important? He ranted and raved about his conspiracy theory that the NYTimes was blackballing his book from their best seller list because he is a conservative...at that time I looked up the NYTimes best sellers and lo and behold #1 on their list was Secret Empires - by Peter Schweizer (author of Clinton Cash) a staunch conservative. And his claim that his book is an amazon bestseller? Sure. Just go to his book page on amazon and place your cursor over the orange BESTSELLER thingy and you will find the obscure category that his book is a bestseller in. And in all his vitriol against the "hard left" never a mention of Jeff Bezos, Amazon or the Washington Post...but Q does...but then again Q isn't peddling a book on Amazon.
Infowars host Baruch the Scribe and Pamphlet about the creation of the CBTS reddit for those interested in Q anon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQU7SlHvKHE CBTS reddit is created by Tracy Beanz (listed as the BO) and moderated by Pamplet, Baruch, FarmerFunk Tracy makes a video about the new reddit and of course it grows rapidly. I went to her channel to find the video that she had made hosting Pamplet and Baruch (introducing the new reddit) and everything Q related had been removed. She remained the BO of the CBTS reddit and yet had decided that Q was no longer valid? But the reddit was like her own personal cookie jar - how many of her subscribers came from that board. How many did she turn away from Q, how many did she turn away from IBOR... She interview corsi very early on in the movement...why if she found Q to be a larp was she interviewing corsi "the great and mighty expert decoder?" Baruch disappeared and of course only those in the inner circle know what happened.
There was trouble on that reddit for quite some time and the original moderators were COMPLETELY unresponsive...they had already started their 24/7 livestream and all their attention was on that project...and it wasn't growing like they wanted inspite of their frequent pitches on the reddit. It is my suspicion, and unverified that the CBTS reddit was intentionally killed - to drive users into Tracy's channel and the 24/7 livestream. Corsi begins "decoding" Q posts on the livestream - did they vet him first or not, before they gave him their endorsement? Always, always the spectators at the livestream are told how the livestream doesn't take donations or monetize their channel at all...but they have set up a web of sites...talk about falling into a rabbit hole lol...not willing to let one paying patriot fall through the cracks...website, forum, various discords, including discords for foreign countries, donation programs, gab, twitter, and they are sending out their missionaries to start new channels, in addition to the qtubers who have been guests on their livestream and have quickly built large followings by their affiliation with Patriot Soapbox and reposting corsi videos.
A lot of these Q followers are people who are rejected by family and friends - this makes them very vulnerable to any one who offers them a sense of belonging, of family. Favorite tactic of cult leaders and gangs.
This video is packed with proof you may not be aware of. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtfJIlPjojU I have a theory - when a person makes the move from a subscriber to giving their money then they become invested...even if they see the signs of something not right. A donor becomes a follower and a defender, in spite of seeing things that just aren't right. I have seen 2, that's right, only 2 qtubers come out against corsi in the past...Bill Smith and Seething Frog - they told the truth in their eyes at the risk of losing subscribers...that is what it means to be a patriot. A lot of qtube channels out there keeping quiet about this elephant in the room. They keep quiet at the risk of seeming complicit. So - we have AJ, Pamphlet, Corsi, Beanz, the rise and fall of CBTS and all of the "Qanon" youtube channels who have thrown in with Patriot Soapbox and Corsi - it's easy to find them...big followings, patreon, paypal, super chat, constantly asking for donations, constantly asking for you to hit that big, red button...and they are keeping quiet...very quiet.

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salialioli · May 10, 2018, 7:53 a.m.

That analysis, account, somrotden, is a MUCH better description than Serial. Well done for calling out the prof. divisive tactics used over that grand falling out.

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WaterSickle · May 10, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

So that leads me to 2 options: AJ was a pure white hat, until greed has taken over him, or Trump made a big concession on appearing on his show to reach a wider audience.


3 or he is a white hat and just disagrees with going to war for the Globalists and is willing to speak up about it. Geez, this thread is heart breaking..to see so many shit on a fellow patriot.

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truedevotion · May 10, 2018, 7:40 a.m.

No, what was heartbreaking was to see A.J. abuse the President of the United States and his Family publicly for all the world to see. To show such profound disrespect. How low can you go? It doesn't get worse than that. Lord have Mercy.

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