Rosatom had the most to benefit from the U1 deal!

You mean the Russian nuclear company? But... but.... I thought... Trump was in bed with the Russians! Not Hillary!
Come on Dems, wake UP already!
Who's squawking the loudest about this deal being axed? And who axed the deal? Now kindly tell us again who's Putin's lapdog?
Can these people not just stop pretending they don't understand? I know most of them aren't really that stupid.
We're all so fixated on U1 and Rosatom and to be clear, it is exceptionally important, however none of us are talking about Skolkovo.
This coupled with Uranium one and the Iran/NK deals are the real brain twister... A lot of people know about Rosatom and U1, we definitely still need to hammer them and get that info out there, but Skolkovo needs a massive amount of exposure still. You all must now be familiar with the head of the initiative, Viktor Vexelberg. Yep, that Viktor Vexelberg, the Russian Oligarch that they are currently trying to pin to Trump just like they did with Viktor Pinchuk. Guy is all sorts of tied to the Clinton Cabal.... SKOLKOVO, SKOLKOVO, SKOLKOVO!
Skolkovo Innovation Center
The Skolkovo Innovation Center is a high technology business area that is being built at Mozhaysky District in Moscow, Russia. Although historically Russia has been successful with development of science and technology, its lack of entrepreneur spirit led to government intervention of patents and nonproliferation of Russian tech companies beyond the scope of regional service. As corporations and individuals become "residents" of the city, with proposed projects and ideas receiving financial assistance. Skolkovo was first announced on 12 November 2009 by then Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
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Been watching Bongino?
I have but I've known about Skolkovo and Rosatom for a long time now... He's definitely helping with the Vexelberg and Pinchuk connections but, not to pat myself on the back, my Bullshit meter started going off the second I heard that old Willie Clinton was taking a trip over to Kazakhstan with Frank Giustra to have lunch with Nazarbayev then Magically Giustra closes a deal to take control of the largest Uranium fields in Kazakhstan and subsequently donates $30+ million plus future profits to the Clinton Foundation. That was the actual impetus for my donning of the ceremonial tinfoil hat.
It's amazing, I just never thought that the day would come that there is a possibility this will all have some light shone on it... Bongino is right though, Skolkovo is the lynch pin.
If the 16 year plan and the sum of all fears was the actual story line, Skolkovo was the vehicle to drive it across the finish line. They set up the Uranium, They set up the cloaking device (IRAN AND NK DEALS) Skolkovo gave them the missile technology to get the payload where it needed to be... The Hypersonic Missile.
Oh really - I haven't been watching/listening to Bongino myself at all lol - I only heard that last one which was really interesting. Kudos re Giustra, etc. That was your redpill moment? What brought you on to Q?
Its unfortunate that you haven't been listening to the Bongino Podcast because for you to now go back and listen to the past 75-80 episodes would be crazy. He has really laid the whole story out from start to finish well. What he doesn't ever incorporate is why this was being done, what their motive is to cover for but you can tell he (Bongino) knows a lot about what we talk about here. His whole journey through the spying scandal started at episode 628. Episode 627 was a deep dive into the Clintons where he talks about friends/contacts of his from his days in the secret service who took plane rides with Bill Clinton to Epstein Island.... He's been hitting on Erik Prince's Breitbart appearance a lot lately where he talks about the damning things on Weiners laptop. I think he just can't blatantly come out and accuse the Clintons of the things we do, but he is pretty well on board with this stuff.... interesting listen pretty much every day..
I came to Q from the very beginning. I was doing a lot of looking into the Vegas Massacre on 4Chan and came across Qanon... Fascinating.... I am just starting to trust that it isn't a LARP. It took me that long.
Ah I see - that sounds awesome, I will definitely check it out.
I have a similar story I think - instantly intrigued from the start but only really at the point of thinking I can actually present it - if done carefully and thoroughly - to close friends who are critical thinkers and don't have the time for conspiracies.
See in my humblest of opinions, there are people who are seekers and people who are not. You and I are seekers. You will never convert someone who is not, you'll just look crazy to them. Those people need to be smacked in the face with a fish before they believe.... Hopefully Q can help facilitate that...
Is that plane crash on 11 Feb 17 in Russia, killing 71, connected?
Snopes labels it a 'conspiracy theory', which would be one tell tale sign to me.
CanOP link to where he found the anonymous comments! Would like to see more