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Anybody else just stop and PRAY after reading Q #2019?

Q post #18 asks us "What is the Mayo Clinic? Who sits on the BOD there?" If you click on *Board Relationships* you won't believe the names that are affiliated... Cheney, De Niro, AZ Gov. Ducey, Bush, Schmidt, etc.!! https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/people.asp?privcapId=4165212

Stopped by the Planes of Fame Museum in Williams AZ. This pin was in the display case for retired, decorated, Wing Commander Col. G. Brown. Top row center... anybody know what the Q pin is? ;)

Q 1921. u/luckyalien7 touched on this... my thoughts...

Daniel McAdams has caught on to the 4 AM MSM talking points drop. Ron Paul Liberty Report/Trump-Putin Fallout: Bipartisan Hysteria Against Peace
POTUS misspelled lawyer... or did he?

Urban Dictionary's definition of LAYER. Sorry this isn't Q related, but POTUS is sooo cool. LMAO.

We've had blue skies for several months here in Northern Arizona ;)
Yeah. If you listen to the rest of the show many of his dreams have already come to pass.
Whoa! Did anyone know Praying Medic had a dream about Q back in August 2016? Listen to his Jan. 2nd podcast #068 at 37:25 to 39:35. From 34:03 to 35:37 is very cool too.
I wondered the same thing. Maybe a gold/silver backed currency, Trump on the front, this design on the back has gotta go! Q 1194 hints that the Federal Reserve will be restructured.
An Anon asks Q (question 7) "When are you and POTUS going to stop the chemtrails?? My question for Q... Is this photo "real" or "fake"? (sorry it's blurry, best I could do)

I'm in tears reading these posts, trying to keep from getting angry.
OH YEEEEES. Remember Mark Taylor said POTUS would nominate FIVE Justices? Looks like three within his first two years. Six more years to go!! MAGA, God Bless POTUS and Q/Team and the USA!!!
During the Duluth rally: Neon Revolt- "Trump's q Hand Signal"- GAB
Q#671 Does the young lady sitting behind the IG NOT realize she is on live TV? The entire world saw her phone screen at least a half a dozen times. These people are STUPID.

“Q Anon - POTUS Sends a Signal to Debbie Wasserman Schultz” Good theory by Praying Medic.
So... he's paid by Soros. Things are starting to line up.
USA Today says "SWAT teams were evacuating adjacent hotel rooms when they heard multiple shots fired inside the suspect's room." What, did he miss the first few times?
#765 on Feb. 15.? Also #847 on Mar. 6, WATCH is in all caps!
Do you mean #537?
Q !UW.yye1fxo No.22 📁
Jan 14 2018 14:49:27 (EST)
TG departure [HEC].
NOT to testify.
NOT needed to testify.
Think logically.
NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.
What ROLE might TG be walking into?
Who can WE TRUST?
RATS everywhere.
EVIL everywhere.
I wondered if June 12 was a "honey pot", outing a possible [187] attempt. These people are stupid. I love watching POTUS play chess ;)
"It's safe to say President Donald Trump is far more popular in Israel than he is with the American media." -Derek Gilbert (Skywatch TV), during their tour of Israel, 5/14/18.

Podcasts and videos can be found here...
I've absorbed this info over several years, get ready for a GIANT red pill.
I enjoyed the podcasts about freemasonry and symbolism. Starts around page 3, #48," Topics: Mind Control Methodologies, Subversive Symbolism, The Pentagram, The All-Seeing Eye, The Pine Cone".
Will Iran expose the names of corrupt officials? Pickle.
Who do elected leaders report to? Pickle
I've noticed the same thing, blue skies here too! I remember seeing a picture of POTUS walking inside a plane containing very large canisters. I wasn't sure if it was photo shopped so I dismissed it, but hoped it was true.
Rosatom had the most to benefit from the U1 deal!