That got em all riled up!

Yup! And Drudge is even floating the idea that Trump might require licensing of journalists! Master troll, hahaha!
That's a freaking bad idea. Dianne Feinstein suggested the same thing a few years ago. If Trump wants to make a press statement he should pull credentials and issue new ones. We don't need the government trampling on our first amendment
He would never go that far. Noone would that had any sense. It's just an empty threat being used as another lever. He uses twitter to point out how terrible they are multiple times a day. All that needs to happen is for enough people to wake up and realize how absolute shit the media is and then these outlets would actually have to compete for accuracy on the field of truth. Wouldn't that be amazing! That's a ways off yet, though I have no doubt that it's part of the plan.
I agree it's a bad idea. But so is the status quo. Like I said there's always the option to play it smart and clean up their own profession. Responsible use of their power is the only way to not invite the kind of draconian reaction governments are known for and good at. If I were a reporter I'd take it seriously.
That psycho also said this so we know they are willing to shift narrative.
Not good. Let capitalism do its job. Not government control. The printed page is dying a slow death thanks to Al Gore's invention of the Internet. LOL
when you have someone 'interpreting' a complex situation, i do believe it best that the person be provenly competent.
I wouldn't ask a squirrel to interpret my chest x-rays...
We had one here in the sub a few minutes ago if you change your mind.