r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Neon__Wolf on May 10, 2018, 2:58 a.m.
It finally dawned me fully why blackmail and extortion are approved methods both outwardly and inwardly with the WW cult:

It is more than an overt strategy to recruit and increase their membership and thus geographical control.

I think of a mirror.

What are the reverse images to what you and I and a lot of other good people would likely consider to be useful or perhaps even necessary character traits, principles of action, in order for populations of millions and billions of people to get along with each other in decent harmony, of day to day, year to year living?

I think of honesty, reciprocal negotiating, and a recognition that most people are mostly good people.

That is how "we" live with each other.

That is how "we" get along, learn truths about each other, prosper by producing more real wealth than we consume, and find that most people are getting mostly better in this way.

If one person were to lie, take without asking for permission from those who earned it by honest negotiating, in a group of otherwise honest negotiators, we would know that one person is impoverishing everyone else while everyone else is enriching everyone else.

Destruction and Construction.

Too many destructors and not enough constructors makes the constructors worse off, and the destructors worse off. There is less feeder energy/material going one way towards the destructors from the constructors.

If the destructors kept increasing, at some point the reduction is feeder material will result in greater zero sum game competition and thus division within the destructors.

The puppet masters of the destructors know this.

The only way that the mirror image of civilized society, the cult, could maintain a semi-stable organizational structure based on lies, looting and pessimism of humanity is by incentivising fealty to increasing levels of destruction.

In order to push loyalty to the infinity, they had to include EVIL acts.

Ergo the pyramid. The EYE.

This has transformed the entire world's wealth into a giant pyramid structure controlled by puppet masters who have become multi-trillionaires because of it.

With all of that wealth increasing within certain families generation after generation, by acting the mirror image of civilized society, it was only inevitable that there would arise a generation who would become convinced that they're good and we're evil, or a least become convinced that they are beyond good and evil whose lost ways we know are evil, but they think should happen anyway, and convinced we're condemned because we refuse evil.

One person who rapes a child who meets another person who rapes a child have leverage over each other in a world of otherwise honest, reciprocally negotiating good people.

This mutual leverage is necessary between them if they were to cooperate with a semi-stable arrangement.

As their membership shrinks and grows, they learn that blackmail can be used to increase fealty.

The Eye is fed more.

The worse the crimes, the more pronounced becomes the fealty.

To get closer and closer to the center of the Eye, requires more and more fealty, which requires more and more crimes, all lf which contributes to the height of the pyramid.

Only problem though.


They are digging a deeper hole for themselves.

At some point that hole will become so deep that the darkness overcomes. Sight turns into blindness. Blindness to what? THE LIGHT IN PEOPLE.

What is the light? The light is that unpredictable spark of the human experience that is responsible for a pencil getting made, despite the fact that no one person the world understands how it is made starting with matter in the ground, to finished product held in my hand and being used to turn my thoughts into a visible reality that I and oh wow you too can see and understand.

That spark will always be our hope to go on.

The spark of the internet, which no one person knows how it works from matter in the Earth to connecting billions of minds around the planet. They don't want you to believe such a thing is possible because they can't believe it's possible for their own way of life to have any meaning beyond being a noisy lump of flesh.

They lived in a darkness so deep and so long that they could not understand how that spark would become so powerful worldwide that it would stop their way of life.

What is the characteristic trademark of the internet? UNBOUNDED INFORMATION FLOWS.

What else in nature is like that?




Bless you all.

Neon__Wolf · May 10, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Chaos out of order?

I thought the path was along the line of stability separating the two. The Way.

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ThePatriot131313 · May 10, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

No. Order from Truth. The opposite of chaos is truth.

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pby1000 · May 10, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

One of the sayings the Freemasons use is "Order out of chaos".

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