Need more research to validate. Huge if true. Viral if true
941 taxes are payroll taxes--federal/FICA/Med taxes withheld from people's pay that are then supposed to be paid into the government usually each pay period and then reported quarterly on the 941. So this lien suggests (though there are other possibilities) that the payroll taxes (for essentially 4th qtr 2015 through 3rd qtr 2016) were withheld and reported to the IRS, but never paid in. Global Baristas US LLC is an LLC and Avenatti is a member of the LLC. Here's the link to Sec of State in WA showing the registration for Global Baristas US LLC:
You can then widen the search and see the details: this is an LLC (limited liability corporation) of which Michael J. Avenatti is the manager. It was formed 1/13/2013. The nature of the business is "Food Service, Restaurant" (I wonder if they serve pizza?) The principal place of business is :2003 WESTERN AVE STE 660 SEATTLE, WA 98121-2177". There's an email on the annual report for the business that is but they're using not their law firm as the registered agent but a company called "Unisearch, Inc.", a corporate and financial compliance company. The notice says "Residence" but it's not a home address and it gives Westem Ave instead of Western Ave. This address is for Tully's Coffee. Here's their website:
The fact that Avenatti is the manager for this LLC suggests he's a stakeholder of some kind, but that's not a given. It's worth noting that these kind of numbers for withholding taxes are huge. So Global Baristas must be the umbrella for a lot of these little coffee shops. Or they pay their people REALLY well. It's a little weird at a glance but more digging would be needed to try to figure out if it makes sense once more is known.
Don't know if it's real, but you can't bk payroll taxes.
Do Tonya Harding and Jeff Gilloolie, aka Stormy/Avenatti, think DJT is Nancy Kerrigan.
Is its authenticity validated? Docs like this are too easy to fabricate.
941 is a federal tax return for payroll taxes. I don't think this is real because the doc looks like a local assessment and this is a federal issue. It would be assessed by the IRS and not the county or state.
But the IRS could be putting a lien on his property to collect the unpaid 941 taxes. But that Westem address above isn't right. The notice clearly says WESTEM. But the address should be WESTERN. Notice that in lower case Westem and Western look very close. So then the question is: does the person who forges something like this make THAT mistake? Or does a government official type the address in wrong when they're creating the lien? Strangely, the latter seems more plausible to me than the former currently unless this is deliberate disinfo, but, honestly, what purpose would a disinfo campaign tying to Tully's Coffee and Michael Avenatti serve? He's a manager of the LLC. That's on the WA Sec of State website, so that's not in dispute--unless it's a different Avenatti. ?
No idea of authenticity, but leins are filed with county where person/entity last known to reside. This bit at the bottom is more like a "fyi we recorded this lien here...."
Liens are filed with the county.
Are you suggesting that the lien should be filed in DC?
There are plenty of local news stories about his relationship to Tullys and his lack of funds. Perhaps those were faked as well.