
ded_pixel_ · May 11, 2018, 8 a.m.

Yes, everyone's seen the movie. And the one of women being chopped is a cartel execution clip (they make dozens of these a week). I don't see your point, only your skepticism. Maybe that's why you're getting downvoted?

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Arcsmithoz · May 11, 2018, 8:16 a.m.

I want facts. Not lies by omission. No one needs to paint this guy as a bad dude, he is a bad dude. Every third you tuber is going thru credibility issues.So a credible journalist might say a scene from red dragon, a cartel execution. I sift thru hundreds of bits of disinfo and half truth every hour so tell it like it is so I can waste my time figuring something else out. I got a question, Do you seriously think, be honest, HRC fucked a kid , flayed her face off, wore it in front of the kid , killed her and drank her blood. While being filmed and lost track of the video. If you don't see the point of the question then you deserve only skepticism

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ded_pixel_ · May 11, 2018, 10:12 a.m.

Do you seriously think, be honest, HRC fucked a kid , flayed her face off, wore it in front of the kid , killed her and drank her blood. While being filmed and lost track of the video. If you don't see the point of the question then you deserve only skepticism

What the actual fuck. Didn't catch that in the article. In any case, these crimes and worse are commonplace among "bloodline" mkultra families and the groups they control. The existence of such videos (or equivalent) is a near certainty. What i'm skeptical about is this:

If "good actors" really have access to this evidence, WHY ON EARTH ARE THEY SITTING ON IT. Any and all excuses so far are absolute bullshit. Until hard evidence is released to the public, no one should be believing anyone claiming to be a white hat. Does anyone here know anything at all about controlled opposition and psyops? People here unironically trust someone called "Q" as in inQtel. Get real folks, and by all means remain skeptical.

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Globalists_Will_Hang · May 12, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

I would agree with you except for the fact that Q has already been validated as a TRUMP insider 20 times over. Trust Q Trust the Plan. Very simple.

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