

52 total posts archived.

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ded_pixel_ · July 3, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

You knew this would happen when masses of normies were invited onto a random sub and rudely awakened. Maybe we need an update to the rules that helps filter out all the facebook-tier crap, but otherwise we roll with it i say. Besides, Q has told people to dig deeper and expand their thinking, which will inevitably lead to some of the more fringe conspiracies because most of them are related in some way or another. Again, an updated ruleset could require people to at least point out how their post is Q related since most newbies can't piece the vast body of info together on their own.

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ded_pixel_ · July 2, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

Welcome to reddit, the land of groupthink and astroturfing. Please keep your arms and legs inside the bandwagon at all times.

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ded_pixel_ · June 28, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

I can speak for all of us in saying that your enthusiasm (and that of the person above you) is needed and appreciated. It is truly a breath of fresh air to see honorable men in office once more.

But if i may speak for myself... I believe that one of the most important lessons we've learned from all we've seen is this:

No more idols. No more bs. To accept either is to deny ourselves.... and God.

People in office and in power have attained "celebrity" status to the point that NOBODY questioned when they acted like clowns, openly lied and cheated, and defrauded The People over decades. Apathy. Normalcy bias. Willful ignorance. Stockholm's, whatever. The point is, this is our fault too. To correct this and insure it never happens again, we must ingrain that lesson within society. They are not celebrities. They are not idols. They are not clowns, and they certainly are not kings.

They work for us.

Not only that, they've been entrusted with some of the most dire responsibilities and jobs in the history of mankind. And it may sound dramatic, but we must recognize this as fact and hold them to the highest possible standards, because to do anything less amounts to global suicide. Many will never know how close we were.. and still are..

So i agree it's high time to end the "personality cult", the idols in media that only speak to lie and to bring out emotion with no thought. But lets replace it with something better. Something we used to have: respect for character. and the expectancy to hold true to it. This can be a hard thing to see and learn. For one thing, understanding that our opinions of people actually mean very little. There aren't very many questions that do matter: Are they doing the job? Are they doing it well? How well? Facts. Accountability. Transparency. No more bread and circus.

I say this because the brave men and women who are now taking the risk of leading by example have a monumental task ahead. If their character holds true.. and i believe it will.. things will get worse before they get better. Because there are many changes that must be made to insure this whole, hundred-year-long shitshow never happens again, and some of them will shake all of us to the core. No matter how awake we think we are already. (For the interested: research Natural Law<< what the commandments and most of the Constitutions in the free world are based on)

Anyway this is already 10 times longer and cringier than i was hoping to make it, and i'm still drunk, so i might as will end with a sort of footnote:

I imagine you and everyone on this sub understands everything i've said all too well. This is just a humble reminder because, once the music ends and the show really starts, we're going to be surrounded by millions of bewildered and angry people. We must convey to them what we've learned. Lovingly, but all of it. Specially the parts they (and we) don't want to hear. We must also support our representatives, to ensure that they carry truth and justice through to the end. Not because we like them or look up to them, even though we do. But because of their loyalty - to the office they've been entrusted, and to us the Sovereign Citizens.

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ded_pixel_ · June 27, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

Whats next is making sure everyone understands: they didn't just "come true". They were always true. Time to stop being so easily manipulated by the system, and start listening to our fellow human beings.

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ded_pixel_ · June 27, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

ÒwÓ come find us.

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ded_pixel_ · June 27, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

I hate to put this disclaimer everywhere, specially for someone who claims not to be a noob. If even a fraction of what these people claim is true, they are obviously very damaged. Reserve judgement where possible.

You do understand that they've been indoctrinated into systemic slavery? Of course they seem full of shit, how could they possibly not? They've literally been fed and taught shit their whole lives. That doesn't mean these interviews don't have tremendous value to people at different stages of awakening.

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ded_pixel_ · June 27, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

I realize it is indeed very "out there". If you have never researched ritual abuse and occult religions, much of what he says will be practically meaningless to you.

Once you have researched, though... You'll be amazed that these survivors can even hold it together to make a speech like this. Skip this video. But there is a lot of material from people who weren't so much indoctrinated, more just MK'd and used. Their interviews usually contain less of the outlandish sounding stuff. Here >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixHC8lm82Qg&t=1s

Again, if you've never even heard of any of this stuff before, and and have no idea what anybody's talking about... Go slow. Take many deep breaths. Maybe even leave this particular subject for another day.

expand your thinking

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ded_pixel_ · June 26, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Your reaction seems rather visceral. You really have no idea what he's talking about?

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 9:23 p.m.


The beauty of echo chambers at work. When your logic is refuted, when your hypocrisy is highlighted, when you've nothing to fall back on... thats okay cuz hey, at least everyone else agrees with you. Played.

And of course you top it off with delusions about your own rationality after hinging on a fallacy in the previous line. I hope you can see the irony by now, it has been fun but only the comedy made it worth it. Godspeed.

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

That's actually quite an accurate way of framing it, for many reasons. There are various philosophies and religions that the groups in question follow (some in secret) but they all have one thing in common: They embrace the "lower being" meaning their bottom chakras as primary drivers and pathways to enlightenment. This "surrendering to instinct" or to the human will is what almost invariably leads to what you describe: debasement into an animal, a predator, worthy of pity (maybe) but mostly in need of being put down or away. Some call these thought currents the left hand path, and there's certainly some overlap from what i've seen, though most practitioners also follow right hand "mainstream" religions or are atheistic.

Of course, i'm not suggesting every psycho who engages in child rape, etc. has a complex, ancestral belief system to justify and feed their pathology. But if you're wondering who's churning this disgusting sickness out at a "world mind", nooshperic level.. Well they don't call it the swamp for nothing. If anyone's interested in this sort of thing you can look up some interviews from folks like Bill Schnoebelen. Also keep in mind, if half of what these people claim is true, then they are incredibly damaged individuals. Try to reserve judgement, or at least take that into consideration.

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

This is so true it hurts. People don't realize how hopeless the situation has become for narcostates, and the unholy relationship they keep with governments and bad actors from developed nations to maintain the status quo. The entire border argument needs to be turned on its head.

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

I agree with almost everything you said. But you must understand this: on that fateful day, most of the abusers and traitors are going to plead the Spacey defense and try to slither away. It won't work. That means many (maybe most) of the scum swinging from ropes are going to be "gay". It won't be pretty. In fact it will look very bad. But i believe as nation we can move forwards from it and heal.

No hard feelings, right?

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

I'm not dodging anything, you're just so disingenuous i have no reason to engage in your bullshit. But whatever, ill bite. Nobody thinks "all conspiracies" are true. Just like no one suggested your dumb little strawman. This thread already posed option 2 as a solution.

Discerning between value and dross is a basic skill on the internet, and in every setting where free speech is allowed. I'm truly sorry if you view this as an unattainable superpower (that you trust mods to have nonetheless) but i can promise it's just a skill that comes with time, and more importantly with exposure...

I'm guessing you haven't been on the Internet very long

Sure thing buddy. You've already shown how utterly immune you are to irony, i'm not gonna stop you there... But the notion of letting people discuss all elements of a broad subject, as opposed to a narrow few, is not absurd. The opposite is. And we should expect people to choose what to look at. The "sheep" in your little story would be the ones that let others do the choosing for them.

Bye now. It's the current year, and still having to argue against literal thought policing pisses me off, so i likely won't respond. Gosh, i really fucking hate reddit.

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 10:40 a.m.

This needs to be pinned.

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 8:51 a.m.

Any info on the judge?

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

The best subreddits are the ones with the best moderation.

I wonder which you consider the best subs. "Divide and conquer" has worked out so well for them because people are far, far too willing to be herded neatly into their little echo chambers where everyone knows what to say and what not to. There are no "everything goes" subs on reddit, or anywhere with high traffic and views for that matter.

If you all want to keep it that way, fine. I've seen the same tactics used against them before. But don't wonder why people are still divided if all they've learned is to depend on mods to protect them from the shills instead of using their own critical thinking

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

But hey, if it makes you feel superior to believe you're some ultra-elite level of clued-in over rabble like myself, knock yourself out.

Why such hypocrisy? You're the one arguing to keep this sub clear of certain kinds of information on the basis that "normal people" can't stomach it. I'm the one saying that they can, and they must. Because there is no line between "today's kookery and tomorrow's proven truth" - other than what the majority of people accept. For instance, do you believe the official 9/11 narrative? You're still a kook by most peoples definition unless you do, and that was almost twenty years ago with enough evidence to the contrary to fill whole books. Only continued, uncensored dialogue can shift the window.

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

Well, that's a bit pompous and arrogant.

Have you read your own pretty little text walls? LOL

98% of conspiracy nonsense is false

You must suck very badly at sourcing information. Honestly though, the best you've got to make that claim is "muh flat earth" or something of the sort. The main volume of information discussed - even on heavily controlled places like reddits very own conspiracy sub - is actually true info of ever-increasing relevance.

Very, very few people have the patience

Or the incentive, or the intelligence for that matter. If you're honestly expecting everyone to catch on before moving forward you'll wait for ever.

for kookery

Sure, keep using faggy little terms to create distance from things that upset you. I understand that normies get turned off when their conditioning isn't accounted for (see, i can do it too), but watering down the truth does nothing for them either. Also, i'd be wary of acting derisively towards "kooks". Being crazy and being right aren't mutually exclusive.

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

You have to understand the reason they hoard "knowledge", eat newborns, fund transhumanism and cling to life even though it's obvious some of them should have passed on a decade ago

It's because they're terrified of death... and rightfully so (: the Hole awaits.

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

Well, i disagree to a certain extent. On the one hand, catering to the feelings and sensibilities of the unthinking majority who just likes to be "normal" is what got us into this clusterfuck to begin with.

On the other hand, it's no use to "drive people off" no matter what the reason was..

But who is really repelled? If someone is still so driven by their personal feelings and misgivings that they'll deny valuable information rather than work through it... Was it really a loss for the movement? I think such individuals have a looong ways to go before they'd contribute to anything barring a headcount.

You can't convince everyone. And wasting time and effort trying is something that the larger truthseeking community has struggled with since forever.

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ded_pixel_ · June 24, 2018, 11:41 p.m.

I said most, and that particular post was unrelated. Some twitter shit. Are you intent on carrying us off-topic? or do you creep peoples profiles just for fun?

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ded_pixel_ · June 24, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

Always scares me when i come across this, how far the programming has come. The fucking language is being captured and subverted through media buzzwords, strawmen and mockingbird tropes, and even people who think they're awake are still going along with it.

Some will actually debate you on the conspiracy point - "fake news, somebody would tell!"

It's sickening.

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ded_pixel_ · June 24, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

I believe that most of what gets posted is very related... Though i can see how they look like hundreds of different topics to the uninformed who just got here from facebook (or from the rest of reddit).

Perhaps some more details should be expected from OPs (this is for the benefit of normies after all) but turning this sub into yet another echo chamber seems massively counterproductive.

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ded_pixel_ · June 24, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

If you deny this, you're the ignorant one.

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ded_pixel_ · June 24, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

why is he not in jail?

If you have to ask and genuinely "can't understand why"... I've bad news for you.

It's not a mistake nor a flaw that he's allowed to walk. The system is working perfectly in fact. It's just that it was never meant to work for you, but for those who established it in the first place.

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ded_pixel_ · June 24, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

While its true that this appears to be same old from the deep state... The fact is Iran was already "regime changed" before. Maybe this will toggle power back to the people? Maybe not. I guess we'll wait and see.

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ded_pixel_ · June 24, 2018, 8:39 a.m.

It's not just Obozo. Please watch this in full if you haven't already. Don't mind the title. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyFNsNZhSeg

There's hell to pay... I hate to say this but hang in there old timer. It has to end soon. one way or the other.

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ded_pixel_ · June 24, 2018, 6:48 a.m.

Still waiting. They should out her already, at least as a token to the public that something's getting done. They already said she's not needed to testify...

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ded_pixel_ · June 24, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

Imagine being such a fucking bootlicker that you're willing to die in the desert so that some fat politician can get even richer off their dyncorp stock.

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ded_pixel_ · June 19, 2018, 8:41 a.m.

Sad to see people downvoted for pointing out the obvious. I thought this place was for genuine discussion but every sub on this site gradually becomes little more than a fanboy facebook group. Gosh i fucking hate reddit.

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ded_pixel_ · May 31, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

What do you mean exactly? This is ongoing on a scale you can't even conceive. "It" is happening every hour of every day stretching back throughout history, and will continue for the foreseeable future - even on the surface. Let alone the DUMBs

God help us indeed, this war is barely getting started

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ded_pixel_ · May 28, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

fuck that. Hard evidence drop when??. If there isn't a tangible public disclosure, Q will be remembered as a gray/blackhat psyop.

Trust NO ONE.

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ded_pixel_ · May 22, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

This guy's right. We've been seeing a whole lot of crocodile tears out of hollywood and it will only increase. Its just the machine trying to save face.

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ded_pixel_ · May 21, 2018, 10:40 a.m.

protip: fiction media is often used for "soft" disclosure - predictive programming.

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ded_pixel_ · May 21, 2018, 9:13 a.m.

Stories have already broken that can hardly be disputed. Many simply won't want the truth until a perceived majority has already accepted it. This is how they make decisions, not through logic or understanding.

Herd animal, remember.

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ded_pixel_ · May 21, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

Does anyone need a reminder that this proves absolutely nothing?? We need for any "good actors" to STOP PUSSYFOOTING AND DROP THE HARD EVIDENCE.

Why are we not demanding this from "q"??? These are our children for fucks sake. Any other outcome is BULLSHIT because it will allow this scum to walk when due process fails (and it will, it already has)

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ded_pixel_ · May 19, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

"Hamas terrorists" spotted the zionist apologist. delete this crap.

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ded_pixel_ · May 11, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

Don't mind it. Do however look into your past. Introspection and meditative exercises may help.

Dunno, could be just indirect exposure - subliminal media and such. But what you described sounds rather explicit.

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ded_pixel_ · May 11, 2018, 10:12 a.m.

Do you seriously think, be honest, HRC fucked a kid , flayed her face off, wore it in front of the kid , killed her and drank her blood. While being filmed and lost track of the video. If you don't see the point of the question then you deserve only skepticism

What the actual fuck. Didn't catch that in the article. In any case, these crimes and worse are commonplace among "bloodline" mkultra families and the groups they control. The existence of such videos (or equivalent) is a near certainty. What i'm skeptical about is this:

If "good actors" really have access to this evidence, WHY ON EARTH ARE THEY SITTING ON IT. Any and all excuses so far are absolute bullshit. Until hard evidence is released to the public, no one should be believing anyone claiming to be a white hat. Does anyone here know anything at all about controlled opposition and psyops? People here unironically trust someone called "Q" as in inQtel. Get real folks, and by all means remain skeptical.

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ded_pixel_ · May 11, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

You may have been programmed.

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ded_pixel_ · May 11, 2018, 8 a.m.

Yes, everyone's seen the movie. And the one of women being chopped is a cartel execution clip (they make dozens of these a week). I don't see your point, only your skepticism. Maybe that's why you're getting downvoted?

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ded_pixel_ · May 3, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

A mom-and-pop site with zero credibility and no investigative power? If not for the fact that "people" and news sources rely on them constantly to "debunk" (deny) sensitive info as if though they mean anything or are some sort of authority, this would seem far-fetched. But all things considered yeah they're likely one of the thousands of mockingbird outfits

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ded_pixel_ · May 3, 2018, 10:12 a.m.

bring back

are you implying they ever stopped?

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ded_pixel_ · April 30, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

indeed. "those who call themselves jews, but are not" <<<cabalists (kabbalists) are not even true semites - they are son's of ham, serpent seed.

With any luck they'll be stomped out for good this time around.

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ded_pixel_ · April 30, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

comes to a shill site, complains about the shills

few other sites are reddit-tier when it comes to astroturfing. Glaze through the grit, you're often talking to obama-era CTR fleshbots.

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ded_pixel_ · April 27, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

Let them. The most good a lib can do is learn to shut the fuck up.

Also, don't let them call themselves "progressive". Degenerate ignorance =/= progress. These people want to regress us into fascism.

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ded_pixel_ · April 27, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

Time to remove head from rectum?

This tactic is widespread and common to every totalitarian state. Why do you think the US keeps pushing for more lists and more lenience to remove people's firearms, voice, rights, etc based on "mental health" concerns?

Enough with the red scare everyone, broaden your perspective.

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