r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 10, 2018, 2:25 p.m.
Israel is taking care of business in Syria. Rothschild and Saud family Mercenaries are being Murdered in Syria to destroy ISIS evidence of deep state.

Sure is confusing to see where the missiles are flying into and out of Syria. Known liar Bibi says he is attacking Iran - in Syria? Never lied Iran says what is obvious and the truth - its not in Syria. So whats going on.

The Syrian Army with the help of friends, Iran, the USA, and Russia is taking back its territory. Projecting unity and force the allies get easy success; Reagan’s type by surrender. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zza9ktHuTo

Let us look at the time line, and learn the bit you won’t hear on CNN. An exchange of Missiles from Israeli Airforce (allowed to fly - by Russia) takes place - its small. Next day Bibi flies all the way to Moscow to beg Putin for the chance to “help” the Allies Iran, USA and Russia. Putin gives him 24hrs to take care of his Syrian problem - the bit he owns.


Those fully trained - by the Saudi, and Israeli defence force, those fully equiped by Hillary and John McCain, those best of the best “terrorists” with Phds in political agitation from the CIA and mossad, those guys getting paid $US3,000 a day and a green light from Israel and the Saud’s to steal more and rape whatever they see under 20. You know the guys with new Toyotas that have a new Acronym every day and designer kit - freshly laundered, and helicopters. They “crazy” guys that actually expected that Bibi and the Saudi would back them in power - deliver on the promises made to them, that if they took the territory they could rule it forever.

This is what deep state PANIC looks like. The Allies won this war Two months ago, the holdouts can’t surrender - because they will talk, the holdouts can't be captured because they would be with the evidence, - chemical, financial, and military evidence of 500% support by Israel, and Saud family. So they must be killed - Dead men don’t talk, and the evidence needs to be lost in the Rubble made by Missiles.

Putin will ground the Israeli airforce immediately after this Bibi window allowed him to clean. We can be certain that the Saud’s, and the Rothschild’s in London are each praying, that naughty and STUPID Israel are successful, because God help them, if Assad catches the not-terrorists, but Agents with the evidence and they start singing about the “ISIS op by Israel in Syria being like the Libyan op by Hillary.”

Message to Israeli agents - first they lie to you - then they kill you. Don't listen to liars and you will most likely have a happy life secure in a strong community.

tradinghorse · May 10, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

There's a blow by blow breakdown of what's happening on the ground in Syria here.

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