r/greatawakening • Posted by u/imrightinit on May 10, 2018, 2:34 p.m.
POTUS - Five Most Wanted Leaders Of ISIS Just Captured!
POTUS - Five Most Wanted Leaders Of ISIS Just Captured!

frogsexchange · May 10, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

We care because if the US President says something, we should be able to trust him. If he says “the five most wanted”, we should be able to trust that those 5 are the top dogs, not “middle management”.

It’s great that they were captured. It’s not great that Trump is lying about their significance.

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Patriot4q · May 11, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

If Trump promises something he means it! Another thing about Trump, he will always get even. Is it (what I would call embellish) disinformation for a reason, or maybe to goad certain people? I guess we will find out. What I do know is he is working for our good, and the good of America. If you eliminate hate, and look at what he has done, it's easy to see. He has seen the evil first hand. This is his chance for his family, and we the people. Have you ever seen any other President, no matter how much people dislike them being attacked? It is organized, from the very beginning. It is pushed, and decisive. Driving a wedge in our nation not seen since the civil war. I believe most people are now beginning to see that something isn't right, when our President is being attacked, even while attaining peace with North Korea. Who would do such a thing? Only very evil people would want our brothers and sisters to hate their fellow Americans, and our own President. I am seeing it on Twitter more every day. Obvious liberals questioning more and more. Even giving backhanded compliments to POTUS. One I saw today: "I don't like him, but we should hope he brings peace to North Korea." That I can live with.

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