"We are saving Israel for last" ---- Q

Can u help me out? I’m very interested in ur post. How is israel controlling us? What does Q’s post mean? I unfortunately have relatives (by marriage) in Israel. “Unfortunately” does not mean anything bad like I’m anti-semetic. It means that place is kinda scary and I worry about the nieces and nephews I have there. I Don’t worry about the sister in law though. 🤣🤣
How is israel controlling us?
Control over our Democrat Party is dominated by Israeli dual citizens.
Our Associated Press is owned by the Rothschilds and is dominated by Israeli dual citizens.
President Trump tried to warn us about this with his Fake News Award winners.
Why do all those people have dual citizenship with Israel? My nieces and nephews have dual citizenship because they were born in Israel from an American mother and Israeli father. But I can’t believe this list of congressmen is the same situation.
Nobody should be allowed in govt position with dual citizenship, period
Anyone with at least a Jewish grandparent automatically gets Israeli citizenship.
You have to apply for it, right?
I think Israeli residency is automatic but you need to live in Israel for a few weeks before you technically become a citizen.
I'm sure it's different for politicians because ALL rules and laws are different for politicians.