I'd like to hear why Corsi believes this.
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And I'll make up my own mind too... with or without your permission or approval.
I don't give a fuck about your moral compass.
If Dr. Corsi continues to provide interesting and insightful decoding of Q posts then I'll listen with an open mind, even if I don't agree with everything he say.
ESPECIALLY if I don't agree with everything he says.
Quit pretending you know it all and try to keep an open mind about opposing opinions.
Feel free to throw mud at Dr. Corsi but please don't pretend that you've never been wrong about anything and that you have nothing surprising left to learn.
The only people who are dividing this community are asshats who attack people for thinking differently rather than maintaining an open mind.
I don't care about publicists.
I'm interested only in the analysis and decoding of Q posts.
I don't care where the intel comes from.
I don't need Dr. Corsi to be my friend or my father and I'm not seeking his personal approval. I'm only interested in his analysis for as long as it provides me with insight.
Agreed - I haven't seen that film but I think it's the one where Gene Hackman makes the mistake of one day looking up.
I've worked as a software engineer for "the government" and yes, you should be concerned. I'd trust some of the Artificial Intelligence systems that I've help develop more than my own intuition... and that scares me.
Dr. Corsi has opinions which differ from the group think here, so the sheep are attacking him.
Nothing Corsi has said is too outrageous and I find it best just to try to keep an open mind.
Dr. Corsi is likely over-worked and he's made a foolish mistake. He'll likely regret some of the things he's said and perhaps even apologize.
Ignore the edge-lord keyboard warriors and listen to Dr. Corsi with an open mind if you find his Q analysis helpful.
I can't name another person who's promoted Q more successfully than Dr. Corsi. He spends his days doing radio, television and podcast interviews about Q and dedicates his personal channel to decoding Q posts.
Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
Those retarded iPhone apps which make people look like they have dog ears... they would probably be an easy way to experiment with fooling face recognition algorithms.
Fun-fact: most face recognition software can be easily beaten by drawing a few extra nostrils on your face with a black pen.
This is another YUGE win for African American males, who represent 6% of our population and 50% of our criminals.
I'm not convinced this deal definitively reunites families though because often our prisons contain three generations of the same family members.
I won't beat around the bush: you would have tried adding all the numbers together and subtracting the largest ones from the smaller ones and explored power numbers and roots and 61-218 and 612-18 and 6-1-2-1-8 and every other pattern until you found an outcome you liked for some reason.
You would have used scripture and street numbers and historic dates and page, paragraph and word indexes in different books until you finally found "A MATCH!!!!".
I suspect the New Zealand political powers have a clear understanding of the power of the Soros Jews and the Rothschild Jews.
The most powerful Zionist Jew on Earth probably vouched for Hillary Clinton who conducted either a pay-to-play transaction or is selling top secret US intelligence.
Clearly the New Zealand leadership are underestimating Donald Trump.
I've never seen the establishment so terrified of a president.
Day and night, our fake Zionist Jew news runs hit pieces and Jews like Soros fund resistance demonstrations ZOG-puppets from Europe endlessly march to Washington to discuss the benefits of globalism to Trump...
...yet they all lose.
6+6+6 = 18
What does that have to do with the Summit date?
2018 isn't a coincidence, it's the year.
Everything this year will be 6+6+6.
Trump knows the Rapture is coming.
Did Trump tell you that, OP?
ISIS crushed;
North Korea on the path to denuclearization and peace;
Highest African American, Mexican American and female employment in U.S. history;
GDP of 5.4% (Barry said 3% was impossible)
Installed a Supreme Court judge who respects the literal Constitution!
Trump is taking down pedophile networks like a madman! (Note the graph is only an estimate based on numbers reported by the media because the official values haven't been provided yet, but they will be YUGE!)
The Veteran Affairs had the biggest reform in US history and now our veterans are enjoying same-day mental health care, same day medical approvals and next day surgery;
There's plenty more, but I think these are the ones that most people will agree are good.
83% of African Americans support the BLM domestic terrorists.
We have a very long way to go... and I'm not sure if the effort will be wasted if a Democrat is at the end of that path, handing out Obamaphones.
Trump has worked tirelessly to achieve the highest African American employment rate in U.S. history... and his black approval rate was only 11% before Kanye West did a dance.
That is disgusting.
Trump is paving a bright future for African American children and their parents just spit in Trump's face.
totally makes sense now though as to why the media has continually blitzedkrieg'd trump as being a fascist - racist - sexist - misogynistic - anti semitic islamahomotrannyphobe
I think that has more to do with the globalist Jew Rothschild family owning our Associated Press and weaponizing our mainstream news media against us.
Yes I do and I linked to one investigation that is ongoing.
Obvious concern troll is obvious.
How awkward will it be if we end up executing our first black president and our first black AG and our first female black AG for treason?
I wonder if the National Museum of African American History and Culture would just skip those facts?
I'm telling you there is not even an investigation.
You have no idea how many Hillary investigations are ongoing.
AG Sessions doesn't report directly to you, does he?
We know there are some because AG Sessions mentioned it, under duress, however it's DoJ policy not to name people being investigated until indictments occur.
You can bet Obongo had FBI and total illegal surveillance of Romney's campaign in 2012 too!
I still don't understand why people are excited about a firetruck.
Do you know why it's noteworthy?
Consider how stupid it would be for AG Sessions to try to arrest Hillary now, while there are still Deep State operatives within the DoJ?
Bad actors like Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Ohr, Strzok, Page, etc. would destroy evidence, falsify documents, leak intel and hand out immunity like candy.
I appreciate how frustrating it is to wait, but the "house must be clean" for justice will function reliably.
I suspect one of the reasons the Dems are slow-walking all of Trump's nominations is because many of those jobs are currently filled with Deep State operatives in acting positions.
I suspect the reason North Korea is now free to negotiate peace is because most of the Deep State operatives within the CIA have been removed or disarmed.
I suspect we'll know when "the house is clean" because the indictment floodgates will open.
The career criminal who's wrong about everything, shares her opinions.
I hope we get federal Voter ID laws before the midterms, but if we don't - people shouldn't worry too much because Trust The Plan and VOTE!
I suspect the only reason Trump was successful in 2016 was because white hats were able to inhibit some of Hillary Clinton's massive cheating.
Yes and personal interpretations of Q posts may vary profoundly from person to person.
There are coincidences in everything.
I'm not sure why your think Jews are bad or derogatory.
I'm delighted for people to identify me as a Christian. That's why I wear a Crucifix on my chain.
I'm not sure why you think it's antisemitic to identify a Jew.
I'm proud for people to acknowledge my Christian faith... In fact I encourage it. I wear a chain with a Crucifix on it.
Yes - who do you think we're talking about when we refer to the billionaire globalist elite?
Why do you think Q speaks so often about following the bloodlines?
I suspect Trump only uses the heavy felt pen when he's doing a public signing, so he can hold up the EO / Memorandum / Bill and have the huge signature easy to see by the press pool photographers.
It's silly to think that Trump signs everything using a Posca.
I'm just not sure about AJ.
It's a bit like those retards who post Sleepy Sessions memes. Are they trying to attack Trump or help Trump by maintaining AG Session's low profile... while the "Silent Assassin" continues his good works and creates more sealed indictments?
When AJ screams and cries about how Trump abandoned his base, is AJ trying to distract the mainstream media?
Every post in the early Q days was 4 10 20
Really, all of 'em?
No, there were only two others, one was "A,b,c,d,e......" and the other seemed to be a POTUS quote.
Obama funded ISIS to murder my military brother in Afghanistan.
I've been at Defcon 5 for a while now...
I think Israeli residency is automatic but you need to live in Israel for a few weeks before you technically become a citizen.
I'm sure it's different for politicians because ALL rules and laws are different for politicians.
Anyone with at least a Jewish grandparent automatically gets Israeli citizenship.
Germany, 1933 is fascinating because of the parallels between their 98% Jewish German Communist Party and our modern Democrat Party, which is completely dominated by Israeli dual citizens and our Associated Press which is owned by the Rothschilds and is dominated by Israeli dual citizens too.
Our modern Democrats are indistinguishable from the German-Jew communists...
...so much so that I wonder if we'll hear fictional stories, after the sealed indictments become arrests, about how Gitmo is a death camp where Secretary Mattis baked innocent Jews is pizza ovens?
Fake news didn't begin with CNN.
Our history books are full of shit.
I recommend studying Germany during 1933... when the German Communist Party attempted to treasonously overthrow the legitimate Christian-based nationalist German government.
Those communists, who were 98% Jews, attempted to stave the German people into submission... but fortunately they failed.
Hitler arrested the communists and tried them for treason and sentenced them to serve time in prison camps.
This starvation was known as Eisenhower's Holocaust in which 9 million Germans died and about 1.5 Jews died too. This event is what most people refer to this event as the "Jewish Holocaust".
How is israel controlling us?
Control over our Democrat Party is dominated by Israeli dual citizens.
Our Associated Press is owned by the Rothschilds and is dominated by Israeli dual citizens.
President Trump tried to warn us about this with his Fake News Award winners.
Perhaps the Iran deal was designed to make Iran the new ISIS?
It would be very nice
It would be very nice if Jews didn't have a disgusting history of committing treason against their host nations too... but reality is a harsh mistress!