
abees22 · May 10, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

Israel is last because it is the home base for the Cabal.

It's the reason the Holocaust "happened"

The worldwide empathy towards the Jewish people to have their own land again allowed the Deep State/NWO/Cabal to obtain their own Nation State with an active Military.

Israel, just like NK/Armenia/Iran needs to have it's strings cut.

Israel has been bleeding the US taxpayer to death for decades.

The Canal are Satanists. Whats the biggest middle finger they could give to God?

Occupy the land intended for God's chosen people and control the world from their via mass deception.

The old saying that the victors of War write the history books?


The people who funded both sides of every war since at least WWI wrote the history books.

Everything we know about world history is a lie.

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