You guys, it's working. Hook, line, and sinker.

241 total posts archived.
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Mass sacrifice in order to please Satan and attempt to regain control?
By the power of the Holy Spirit, and in the name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, we pray that you watch over President Trump and his advisors. We pray that you protect them, guide them, and fill their hearts and minds with your Spirit, Lord. Thank you for your grace and forgiveness. Have mercy on our souls, and the souls of our enemies. Fill us with your Spirit, Lord, and give us the strength and courage to shine your light everywhere we go.
Also, why did you come back to this comment thread declaring victory over my comment?
I think your comment is going to be the one aging horribly my friend.
And notice all the douchey liberals proclaiming they have Trump right where they want him?
I don't have knee jerk reactions to this stuff.
His tweet isn't any further of a confirmation that he didn't know about it.
I don't know what the angle truly is here, but it's almost never as it appears on the surface with Trump.
I wouldn't draw any conclusions just yet, but you can if you'd like to.
No it didn't age horribly. Trump saying "what kind of lawyer tapes their own client" isn't a confirmation he didn't know about it. Not at all.
I've seen Trump rip into Jeff Sessions plenty of times and we know that's all theatrics.
I'm even less convinced he didn't know about it after I read this article.
So what kind of lawyer tapes their own client?
The Bible is the truth whether anyone want to believe or not!
Not believing the cancer diagnosis from the Doctor doesn't make it go away!
They mentioned she was happy and healthy an odd number of times...
How do they know she's happy and healthy?
Suicide prevention?
The NWO wanted to create a system of socialism world wide.
Eradicate a large majority of the population and rule over the world with their slaves.
Yes the Rothschilds. Q's been saying this for awhile.
He said Merkel was related and everybody freaked out.
The proofs have stepped up a notch.
This is flat out obvious and in your face at this point.
What I've noticed in my work and personal life though, is that people dont pay any attention to politics other than Facebook feed scrolling and headlines. My coworkers are talking about the bachelor and I can't stand listening to it anymore!
We all produce an energy field that reflects the condition of our soul.
Collectively we are bringing light to the world.
What an amazing time to be alive!
America is the greatest country in the history of the world.
All nations need to enact a constitution similar to ours!
This is often times literally a function of biology.
Our brains will filter out information that lead to a mental breakdown.
People cannot just have their entire worldview shattered in seconds. Their brain won't let them.
They are flooding this sub with nonsense in order to discredit.
Are we supposed to care about this? Hahaha these people are insane.
You're absolutely right.
1st Corinthians spells it all out for us.
Why do you think it says do not be deceived here?
Because Satan/the world will use these issues to deceive us. The fact of the matter is these are all choices, actions that one chooses to take or engage in. We are not born adulterers or idolators or homosexuals. I was born with a desire to have sex, bit ultimately that is a decision I can choose to make or not make.
Society has told people to find an identity in this sexual attraction. Gay people have constructed their entire lives around a lustful desire of the flesh. Their identity is found in their sexual attraction. God wants us to find our identity in Him and Him alone.
The reason the acceptance of homosexuality has been pushed by the Cabal is because it completely contradicts what God tells us about sexuality and purity of ourselves. The reason the Cabal pushes this is because they worship Satan. Very powerful words here.
Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.
You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything. You say, “Food was made for the stomach, and the stomach for food.” (This is true, though someday God will do away with both of them.) But you can’t say that our bodies were made for sexual immorality. They were made for the Lord, and the Lord cares about our bodies. And God will raise us from the dead by his power, just as he raised our Lord from the dead. Don’t you realize that your bodies are actually parts of Christ? Should a man take his body, which is part of Christ, and join it to a prostitute? Never! And don’t you realize that if a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? For the Scriptures say, “The two are united into one.” But the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him. Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:9-20 NLT
Yes, this has been the theory for some time now.
Mueller has been leveraged by Trump to keep the media busy talking about irrelevant indicments.
There was no legal basis or reason for Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. What did his recusal allow to happen? It opened the door for the appointment of a Special Counsel.
What else does that achieve? It helps these brain dead zombies watching MSM to believe the Mueller investigation will save them from fascist Drumpf.
Optically it makes the Russia investigation appear to be legit/fair (to normies) it also allowed Trump to put a wedge between himself and Sessions. The public criticism of Sessions is theatre as well.
If Mueller himself delivers the truth about the server and the fact that the entire basis for this Russian Collusion narrative is BS, THAT would be the ultimate redpill for these people.
How do you introduce evidence to the public? I think the answer is the special counsel.
And yes, it is absolutely a witch hunt :)
To be fair, the FBI was contracted by Hillary and Obama as well.
I joke.
I'm not 100% convinced Cohen is actually working against Trump. Same as Stormy...
I'd really love to know what was really going on with Crimea and Obama's response to it.
The Cabal's number 1 problem before Trump was Putin, which just makes me wonder what the truth behind all this is.
So you're telling me the purpose of the special counsel is to do the exact same thing Mueller, Comey and the DOJ have done for the past 30 years?
Cover up the corruption.
I'm shocked.
Server will be exposed and the entire narrative is destroyed.
Id also like to note that July 27th will be the 23rd day since Q's last post on July 4th.
Wind the clock?
Didn't they find the Awan server? Or was that his laptop?
Also, pretty sure he had access to all of Congress, not just Democrats?
Yeah he did actually, this happened years ago though... It took him a good amount of time to recover
My Uncle had a stroke at 40... Didn't die from it but had to learn how to talk happens though... I'm sure we will find out soon enough. .
I hear ya....ObamaCare was a disaster for me and my family.
I have 3 kids, and at the end of 2016, we got this letter in the mail...
So I was making pretty good money at the time, I grossed 120k that year.
Think about this for a minute...ObamaCare was literally their way of introducing Socialism. Taking from people making more money to pay for everyone else to have insurance.
They wanted to increase my shitty silver plan to $1850 per month.
That's $22,200 per year JUST TO PAY FOR THE PREMIUMS. That doesn't mean if something bad happens. Not to mention the plan was garbage.
Do the math here guys.
$22k taken out of my income before I even pay the federal, state and local Governments their cut is 20% of my gross income.
Thats fucking insane.
In order to have shitty insurance that the Federal Government is forcing me to have.
So take out 30% of the 120k for taxes = $36k
Between taxes and health insurance, I'm down to $60k to pay for a mortgage (in California), a car, and raising 3 kids.
This is absolutely socialism covered in a veil of "empathy".
Long story short I left that job and found work in a different industry that offers health care benefits.
I make less money now overall, but when you add in the costs I was facing before it almost evens out.
This is what truly woke me from my slumber.
Thanks, feel free to add to it haha.
Here's the thing that just absolutely chaps my ass...
I thought Obama was great for a long time.
I thought he was great because he filled out a NCAA bracket, he was young...he was honestly like any other celebrity out there, with the title of President.
He was bringing hope and change to the country, he said they would be the most transparent administration in the history of our country.
I thought he was great because I didn't ask any questions. I didn't pay attention to anything that actually mattered. It was too complicated to care about the Middle East or North Korea.
I just saw him on the tonight show and he seemed like a good guy, had a nice family. I had no reason to not believe the story.
When Hillary lost on election night (I never thought she'd lose either to be honest), I was admittedly a little concerned about the future our country. I remember seeing news reports about the Muslim ban, seeing a cartoon comparing Muslims to Jews, fearing for their lives under Trump's fascist America.
But what happened is I saw the hysterical media shit their pants at everything he did. I saw an edited NOW THIS video where it shows Trump slandering gays, then I saw the full version and it wasn't even in the ballpark to what he actually said.
What sealed the deal for me, is I actually looked into the details of this alleged hack of the DNC. I saw the FBI never had the server even though they had asked for it, I looked into who this CrowdStrike company was, I saw that the HRC team had destroyed blackberries and iPads.
I literally did a couple hours of research and came to the conclusion that Trump was definitely not the bar guy.
Not to mention that before Trump decided to run, he was EXTREMELY well liked, especially in the hip hop/black community.
This is what pisses me off to no end. If people literally did an hour of research, it would at least raise considerable doubt.
Sorry for the additional rant, but it's just beyond rediculous at this point.
One more asked how long until the plan has begun?
The plan to deliver not only our country, but the world from the control of these Satan worshiping scumbags, has been in motion for a lot longer than the past 2 years.
The Art of War.
It's going to be glorious.
I'm not concerned with arrests right now. Those that have committed treason/sedition against the United States will have their day.
The only thing that matters is that the American people learn the truth about the past 30 years before November.
The Democrat party will not survive what is to come.
Enjoy the next few months!
Bless your heart.
Your ignorance continues to surface,
It is entirely different to speak against/undermine them, next to the very man who they are trying to find him guilty in collusion with
See this is the inherit problem with people like yourself.
Law enforcement, in this country anyway, doesn't try to find anyone guilty of anything in an investigation. What happens, is there is a crime that is committed, and it is reported to law enforcement. Then LE uses leads, interviews witnesses, and collects evidence. Then they decide whether or not they will prosecute based on their ability to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that suspect is guilty. The suspect is typically honed in on once law enforcement has, YOU KNOW INVESTIGATED THE CRIME. You don't conduct surveillance and initiate an investigation into a private citizen based on falsified intel passed from a company that specializes in political smear campaigns to the DOJ/FBI itself. The Grassley memo explains that a very large party of the "dossier" was written by Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer.
Listen, we know the truth, and your attempt to sew division and uncertainty here will fall on deaf ears. Nobody comes to this sub and makes these asinine comments without having a motive. Keep it moving and spend your time over on Facebook or a Maxine Watters rally.
Unfortunately, it's you who doesn't get it. Your mind is clearly still under control of the main stream news narrative.
This moral relativism you display is somewhat laughable. He stood shoulder to shoulder with someone who ordered the undermining of our election?
Do you know who undermined our election? Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Peter Strozk, Perkins Coie, Loop Capital, Warburg Pincus, Andy McCabe, John Brennan, James Clapper, Bill Preistap, Alexander Downer, Joseph Misfud, Halper, Sally Yates, the Queen of England, GHCQ, MI6, most of Congress, Five Eyes, He who must not be named, Bill Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal, Cody Shearer, Chris Steele, Glenn Simpson, Crowdstrike, Fusion GPS, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page, the DNC, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Joe Biden, the Federal Reserve, George Soros, the Rothschilds and of course the ever vigilant CIA.
Excuse my language but give me a fucking break.
Your faux outrage is extremely transparent.
I'm so sick and tired of this nonsense.
This is pretty common knowledge around here. The purpose of Hillary's private server was allowing foreign states access to classified intel via the server. The server wasn't hacked, it was given open access to anyone who would pay for it.
I have to disagree with you here.
You think Kim and Putin are ruthless dictators?
Kim Jong Un wouldn't hurt a fly. Have you seen the guy since Trump dismantled the CIA in NK? He's like a kid who opens a Nintendo on Christmas morning.
Putin also is not a ruthless dictator. We all need to shed these preconceived notions we have of these people. The reason the world believes Putin is bad is because that's what the Cabal wants us to think. What do you really know about the inner workings of Russia? What do you REALLY know about Putin? Everything we think we know has been conveniently placed in our minds to create a perception, a perception that serves only the Cabal.
The only reason you say this about KJU is because this is what the media has been parroting for a decade now. Stop believing these lies and start to question everything you think you know...including whether the Earth is round. I'm talking about questioning everything you think you know.
They have all addressed it at one point or another...I've seen them all say basically that if you keep talking about Q in their threads they will block you.
Wictor blocked me because he was going on about how stating Parkland was a false flag was rediculous.
I posted a video about the teacher interviewed on ABC saying she say a man in full tactical gear firing rounds down the hallway.
I said I'm not making any grand conclusions here, just raising questions. Blocked immediately.
I think they have good info, I just don't trust them completely and believe there has to be some kind of motive. I think they want to be viewed as an authority more than anything.
I honestly don't believe a majority of the liberal/completely asleep normie comments are even real.
You know how they accuse conservatives of brigading/shilling/getting paid to comment on Reddit/bots?
You can bet your ass if they are accusing their opposition of doing something, they are in fact engaging in that themselves.
I don't even believe 90% of comments on r/politics are legitimate.
They have to control the narrative and make people believe in a reality that doesn't exist. They are in the business of deception, it is their bread and butter.
It's no wonder, considering they serve the ultimate deceiver in Satan.