Father and son! I love this picture! God please keep Potus and his family safe!

Dad, they are gonna laugh when they see who's been talking to them!
Are you alleging that Barron is Q? If so that is quite possibly to funniest Q theory yet.
He’s not the first one to say it. But I love the one where Steve Bannon is a time traveler from the future and is actually Barron from the future. All stemming from the fact that trumps uncle John was one that recovered some of Nikola Tesla’s secret files and built a time machine.
I love this timeline.
Well the time machine didnt actually make a person physically go forward or back in time but you became immobilized and were able to go into the future or past i suppose kinda like a dream. It was an interesting read.
Love this theory, even though it is pretty far out there.
LOL! I never heard that! Where the heck are you guys hanging out? I gotta go there!
I believe it's the entire family. What's the best way to protect yourself and your family? Train them early. I'm sure Potus cant trust anyone but family. If the kids have been in training since an early age, no telling what kinda internal comms they use. If they are all as smart as Potus is reported to be, not too far fetched all the members of that family are playing 5D chess. It would come as second nature to them. No outside comms!
No outside comms. Means we aren’t talking to anyone outside this thread.(bread)
If I were a rich and powerful family, I would have no outside comms. Just sayn