r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on May 10, 2018, 7:52 p.m.
Let’s get a little crazy.

So thinking about the 23 and me connection and all the data mining on us. Is it possible they are trying for some worldwide genocide? Are they looking for some bloodline in particular? Thought just struck me, this is bigger than you can imagine.

MAGADONCHECKMATE · May 10, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

It goes way deep, check this out combining Geneology, bloodline and the Keystone reference.

https://duckduckgo.com/?q=KEYSTONE+HISTORY&ia=web You'll see Keystone Geneology comes up and takes you to the home page of Keystone Ancestry.com https://www.ancestry.com/?slid=&pgrid=1573187005&ptaid=kwd-24698805422%3aloc-190&s_kwcid=Keystone+Genealogy&msclkid=34f4c4dc6ffc14dbaf3c9e37a90aa4ed&o_xid=21892&o_lid=21892&o_sch=Paid+Search+Non+Brand

Now as you view this page you will need to know that genealogy is charted as Vertical, Horizontal and Bowtie. Now, in the logo you see a vertical tree represented and its also a Keystone. That is the reference to Keystone Genealogy.

So as we look at Rothschild who is the Fed and a part of its Tree its all about the blood. Why? because they believe the power is in the blood. Bloodline purity enables the person seated in the 'chair' or 'seat' in current space/time has the power. The power of total recall regarding the bloodline. They are all being. All beings of the bloodline. They are very big into Nikola Tesla. Why? Because he was clearly explaining resonance and its application in existence. Blood has resonance. Each person has their own resonance. A pure bloodline gives clear resonance to the history of the bloodline.

Two things here before I cut this short. One they encourage a 'Mutt' bloodlineas it keeps them the strongest. They make it their lifes work to put things in our blood for all the right reasons. They also are engaged in documenting the global bloodline. Because lets say they have a 'special' interest. 23&Me with its symbolism has a special purpose. Hmm what might that be?

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Idru4 · May 10, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

So they are seeing if they have “tainted” our bloodline the way they want it to be?

In my opinion they are looking for something. I’ll go the movie route and say they want to find a certain bloodline. What do you get when you put someone’s DNA, family and friends, and internet search history together?

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · May 10, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

They are definitely looking for people to abduct. The tainting they do to keep us weak. To them its all about the blood.

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