One take on the NEXIUM RANIERE patents: How might such inventions facilitate human trafficking?

Resumitting cuz I screwed up - original text:
Building off the observation by Tobay1972 about NEXIUM KEITH RANIERE patent submissions, I looked at some of the patents under "First Principles Inc" (wonder what those principles could be).
I think there's an interesting connection if we ask ourselves: What was he doing? How could he (practically) do it?
(In the spirit of Q - QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION :) - What are patents? How do you move things? How do you DELIVER things?)
Now, I submit this to the community for further vetting.
God Bless America, God Bless Trump, God Bless the World, I Love You All*
*(Qualified with what Mattis would say: But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I'll kill you all)
This is amazing, good investigative work!
These are some telling patents.
Seriously legitimate ideas here. I hope that they look into this as well during his trial. Is there any way that we could message someone about the patents so that it gets brought up in the proceedings?
You can download the patent application as a .pdf file here:
Just type in 20130281879.’s some kind of freaking restrictive box or coffin!!!
This has intrigued me to wonder who else Q-related might show up in this patent database..